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Ethics training is coming soon to a department near you!
Ethics training is now mandatory for State Employees and Special State Officers. In 2005, employees and officers of 48 authorities and seven departments received ethics training. In 2006, the Commission completed ethics training in 14 principal departments and agencies and 20 authorities. In 2007, ethics training was completed in five principal departments and 19 authorities and boards. In 2008, ethics training will continue in the remaining principal departments, boards, commissions and authorities.

Ethics Liaison Officers are encouraged to contact the Commission's training officer to schedule training for their employees. We also encourage you to consider ethics training as a component of other regularly scheduled employee training. Subject to availability, the Commission's Ethics Training Officer will be available to provide ethics training as a part of employee development workshops, staff meetings, seminars or new employee orientation programs.

Employees of agencies and authorities that have completed ethics training are required to receive the annual, mandatory ethics briefing in any year that they do not receive training. Employees and officers should contact their agency Ethics Liaison Officer (ELO) for information about the ethics briefing.

Please contact the Commission's Ethics Training Officer Margaret Cotoia with suggestions for providing ethics training to your employees. The Commission is committed to helping ELOs and training coordinators deliver ethics training to their departments in the most efficient, effective way possible.

Click on the links to the right to view the list of authorities, departments, agencies, colleges and universities whose employees and officers have received ethics training from the State Ethics Commission