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FDsys will benefit all of GPO’s stakeholders. Below are some of the benefits for GPO’s external stakeholders.

U.S. Congress

-Submitting jobs electronically will reduce acquisition time and costs associated with sending files to GPO;
-Batch submission of content will reduce time associated with sending files to GPO;
-Online job tracking will provide instant access to information about your orders.

Federal Agencies

-Submitting jobs electronically will reduce acquisition time and costs associated with sending files to GPO;
-All agency content and procurement related information will be stored in one place. Researching past orders and developing reports will be easy.
-Estimating tools will offer more accurate estimates at your convenience;
-Online job tracking will provide instant access to information about your orders;
-Detailed billing information will help you track expenses and create reports.

Federal Depository Libraries

-Chain of custody information will ensure that the information available is official and unaltered;
-Version tracking will ensure that the most up-to-date information is available for public access;
-Multiple search levels will decrease search time and increase the precision and recall of results;
-Preservation processes will increase customer confidence in permanent public access;
-Access to publication status information will enable users to determine the availability of publications;
-Automatic content delivery will make information available sooner;
-Libraries will be able to manage accounts, including preferences;
-Web harvesting and electronic content submission will increase the number of government publications available.


-Provide access to more documents through harvesting and conversion;
-Capability to search anonymously will increase customer satisfaction;
-Chain of custody information will ensure that the information available is official and unaltered;
-Version tracking will ensure that the most up-to-date information is available for public access;
-Multiple search levels will decrease search time and increase the precision and recall of results;
-Access to publication status information will enable users to determine the availability of publications;
-Automatic notifications about specific publications based on customer preferences will increase customer satisfaction;


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For more information, please contact the Program Management Office


Phone: 202.512.1080

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