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Sabbatical in the Parks Program



Sabbatical in the Parks

Introduction to the Program

The National Park System preserves the nation's most significant natural and cultural resources. The system includes nearly 400 sites throughout the United States and its territories. Protected within the system are large natural areas, significant cultural resources, important historic sites, recreation areas, and more.

The Sabbatical in the Parks Program assists in arranging faculty sabbaticals to conduct research and other scholarly activity, which provides usable knowledge for the National Park Service and/or advances science and human understanding.

The Program works by providing faculty members and park staff with the services of a sabbatical clearinghouse through which all arrangements are made.

Eligible faculty members are those from four-year institutions of higher education in the United States who have successfully competed for sabbaticals according to the procedures of their institution.

No deadline for applications exists, but faculty members should submit materials as soon as possible before their planned sabbatical.

photo of Bicyclers in Rock Creek Park


To protect plant and animal species, park managers need basic scientific information about their habitats, ranges, life cycles, and more. To protect the parks themselves, however, managers need to understand people--the U.S. citizens and international travelers who establish, visit, support, cherish, use, and (sometimes) abuse America's national parks and park resources.
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update on 08/09/2006  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/sabbaticals/index.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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