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Getting Started

IPAC User Manual

This is the Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System (IPAC) Application User Manual.

IPAC Addendum

Entire ManualPDF File(Large file, 220 pages, 13,028 KB)

Entire Manual in MS WordMS Word Document (9,910 KB)

PDF FormatThese files below are in Adobe Acrobat's portable document format (pdf). The Acrobat Reader is included in many Web browsers, but if your browser does not read Acrobat's pdf files, Acrobat is free to download and use.

Table of Contents
Section 1 Payment and Collection
Section 2 Adjustment
Section 3 Zero Dollar
Section 4 Incomplete Transactions
Section 5 Reports
Section 6 Retrieve Report/Data Files
Section 7 Report Retention Management
Section 8 Request Parent/Child Relationship
Section 9 Parent/Child Relationship Information
Section 10 Request Special Requirements
Section 11 Agency Special Requirement Request Status
Section 12 Agency Billable Request
Section 13 Agency Billable Status
Section 14 Agency Request for EDI Trading Partner Profile
Section 15 Update Agency Information
Section 16 Display Messages
Section 17 Admin Processing Status

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