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  Learn more about DC, its history, and how to get around the city.   DC Guide
Learn more about DC, its history, and how to get around the city.
  Find business services, applications and resources.   Doing Business in DC
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  Discover things to see and do in our nation's capital.   Visiting DC
Discover things to see and do in our nation's capital.
  CapStat: Building A City That Works   CapStat
See how the CapStat program is improving District government.


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Featured Sites and Services

We’ve listed some of the most important web pages from the DC government and other featured organizations here. This list includes online services, databases, and forms as well as static pages.

DC Parks Search
Find swimming pools, basketball courts, before- and after-school care programs, and other programs at parks and recreation centers in the District of Columbia.
DC Veterans
Read profiles of DC residents who served in World War II.
DC.Gov Takes a BOW Plus Other Honors
DC.Gov receives Best of the Web award along with other honors.
Demonstration Permit Application
Provide notice of organized protest, demonstration, or picketing.
Distracted Driving Safety Act of 2004
Cell phone use and other distractive activities while driving will be prohibited as of July 1, 2004.
Education Reform Center
Find out about Mayor Fenty's plans for education reform in the District.
Emancipation Day
April 16, Emancipation Day, is an official public holiday in the District.
Feeling Lucky? Check Out DC Lottery!
Take a look at the amazing range of games DC Lottery has lined up.

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