
How much do you know about the Peace Corps? The world? Try to answer tricky trivia and test what you know. Challenge your friends to a trivia contest and see who reigns supreme. And, by the way, try not cheat and look up all the answers on Wikipedia.


  1. Plaza de Toros, located in Mexico City, is the largest arena in the world for which sport?

  2. The ancient Maya civilization ruled in which Central American country until 900 AD?

  3. Which of the following is NOT one of the Four Great Inventions of ancient China?

  4. Although English is the official language, what other language do many Jamaicans use?

  5. Popular Costa Rican music features what style of indigenous music?

  6. The El Oriente region of which country is comprised of parts of the Amazon rainforest?

  7. Bulgaria borders what body of water to the north?

  8. Morocco is famous for which spice?

  9. 90% of the population of what country is Sunni Muslim?

  10. Because of its isolation from neighboring continents, Madagascar is home to many unique types of plants and animals. For this reason, many ecologists refer to Madagascar as...

  11. Which country marks the crossroads between Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia?