Volunteer Now

The fastest and easiest way to get involved right now is by volunteering with an organization in your community. You can offer your time and services to a group or organization that is already in existence and know that your skills are being put to good use.

Numerous hospitals, after-school programs, and nonprofit organizations (just to name a few) are looking for volunteers right now. By asking a school guidance counselor, friend or community center director for suggestions, you're bound to find a place that can use your help and satisfy your desire to get involved. Or, choose an area that you are passionate about and research organizations that share the passion.

Step 1: Choose and contact an organization.

It's easy to get started. Choose a cause and then research and contact related organizations. You can check out organizations that help match volunteers with projects. Or see what clubs already exist in your community and school and sign up. Just take the first step and see how good it feels to help!

Step 2: Show up!

Be ready to do whatever needs to get done. It's that simple.