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U.S. Administration on Aging
Strategic Action Plan FY2007-2012
The AoA Strategic Action Plan for 2007-2012 has been developed to guide the agency’s fiscal and human capital resource investments over the next five years as it carries out its statutory mission and provides national leadership on aging programs and policy.
The Plan establishes five goals that support the continual modernization of Older Americans Act services, giving particular attention to implementing the new provisions contained in the Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006. These goals are:
- Empower older people, their families, and other consumers to make informed decisions about, and to be able to easily access, existing health and long-term care options.
- Enable seniors to remain in their own homes with high quality of life for as long as possible through the provision of home and community-based services, including supports for family caregivers.
- Empower older people to stay active and healthy through Older Americans Act services and the new prevention benefits under Medicare.
- Ensure the rights of older people and prevent their abuse, neglect and exploitation.
- Maintain effective and responsive management.
AoA Strategic Action Plan 2007-2012