Sample Report
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(00) Agency Title (00) Bureau Title (00000) Entity Title (X) Type
First Quarter 2006

Part I - Status of Receivables
  Number Dollars
Section A
Receivables and Collections
1 Beginning FY Balance    
2 New Receivables (+)    
3 Accruals (+)    
4 Collections on Receivables (-)    
(A) At Agency (-)    
(B) At Third Party (-)    
(C) Asset Sales (-)    
(D) Collections by Treasury through Offset and Cross-Servicing (-)    
(E) Collections by Sale After Foreclosure (-)    
(F) Collections by Department of Justice (-)    
(G) Other - must footnote (-)    
5 Adjustments (+ or -)    
(A) Reclassified/Adjusted Amounts (+ or -)    
(B) Adjustments Due to Sale of Assets (+ or -)    
(C) Consolidations (+ or -)    
(D) Foreclosure Adjustments (+ or -)    
(E) Written-Off Debts Reinstated for Collection (+)    
6 Amounts Written Off (-)    
(A) Currently Not Collectible (-)    
(B) Written Off and Closed Out (-)    
7 Ending Balance    
Section B
Additional Receivables Data (Information Only)
1 Subsets of Ending Balance    
(A) Foreign/Sovereign Government (+)    
(B) State and Local Government (+)    
(C) Rescheduled Debt - Delinquent (+)    
(D) Rescheduled Debt - Non-Delinquent (+)    
(E) Interest & Late Charges (+)    
Section C
Delinquent Debt (Excluding CNC Debts)
1 Delinquencies by Age    
(A) 1-90 Days (+)    
(B) 91-180 Days (+)    
(C) 181-365 Days (+)    
(D) 1-2 Years (+)    
(E) 2-6 Years (+)    
(F) 6-10 Years (+)    
(G) Over 10 Years (+)    
(H) Total Delinquencies by Age    
2 Delinquencies by Category    
(A) Commercial (+)    
(B) Consumer (+)    
(C) Foreign/Sovereign Government (+)    
(D) State and Local Government (+)    
(E) Total Delinquencies by Category    
Part II - Debt Management Tool and Technique Performance Data
  Number Dollars
Section A
Delinquent Debt 180 Days or Less
1 Delinquencies 1-180 Days    
(A) In Bankruptcy (+)    
(B) In Forbearance or In Formal Appeals Process (+)    
(C) In Foreclosure (+)    
(D) At Private Collection Agencies (+)    
(E) In Litigation (At DOJ or Agency Counsel) (+)    
(F) In the Process of Internal Offset (+)    
(G) In Wage Garnishment (+)    
(H) At Treasury for Cross Servicing (+)    
(I) At Treasury for Offset (+)    
(J) At Agency (+)    
(K) Other - must footnote (+)    
(L) Total Delinquencies 1-180 Days    
Section B
Delinquent Debt (Over 180 Days Delinquent) Eligible for Referral to Treasury for Offset and Cross-Servicing
1 Debt Eligible for Referral to Treasury for Collection    
(A) Delinquent Debt Over 180 Days (+)    
(B) Currently Not Collectible Debt (+)    
(C) Total Delinquent Debt Over 180 Days and CNC Debts    
Debts Ineligible for Treasury Offset Program (TOP) and Cross-Servicing (lines D through G)
(D) In Bankruptcy (-)    
(E) In Forbearance or Formal Appeals Process (including Litigation) (-)    
(F) In Foreclosure (-)    
(G) Other - must footnote (+ or -)    
(H) Balance of Debt Eligible for Referral to Treasury for Collection    
2 Debt Eligible for Referral to Treasury Offset Program    
(A) Debt Eligible for Referral to Treasury for Collection (from 1H)    
(B) Foreign/Sovereign Debt (-)    
(C) Debt in Litigation for Enforced Collection (-)    
(D) Other - must footnote (+ or -)    
(E) Debt Required to be Referred to Treasury Offset Program by Agency    
(F) Debt Referred to Treasury Offset Program (-)    
(G) Debt Referred to Treasury Offset Program through Cross-Servicing (-)    
(H) Balance Remaining to be Referred    
3 Debt Eligible for Referral to Treasury or a Designated Debt Collection Center for Cross-Servicing    
(A) Debt Eligible for Referral to Treasury for Collection (from 1H)    
(B) Foreign/Sovereign Debt (-)    
(C) Debt in Litigation for Enforced Collection (-)    
(D) At Private Collection Agencies (-)    
(E) In the Process of Internal Offset (-)    
(F) Debt Exempted by Treasury from Cross-Servicing (-)    
(G) Debt Returned from Cross-Servicing (-)    
(H) Other - must footnote (+ or -)    
(I) Debt Required to be Referred to Treasury or a Designated Debt Collection Center for Cross-Servicing    
(J) Debt Referred to Treasury or a Designated Debt Collection Center for Cross-Servicing (-)    
(K) Balance Remaining to be Referred    
Section C
Collections on Delinquent Debt
1 Collections of Delinquent Debt    
(A) By Private Collection Agencies (+)    
(B) By Litigation (+)    
(C) By Internal Offset (+)    
(D) By Third Party (+)    
(E) By Asset Sales (+)    
(F) By Wage Garnishment (+)    
(G) By Treasury / Designated Debt Collection Center Cross Servicing (+)    
(H) By Treasury Offset (+)    
(I) By Agency (+)    
(J) Other - must footnote (+)    
(K) Total Collections on Delinquent Debt    
Section D
CNC Debt Status
1 Currently Not Collectible Debts (Written Off and Not Closed Out)    
(A) At Private Collection Agencies (+)    
(B) At Treasury or a Designated Debt Collection Center for Cross Servicing (+)    
(C) At Treasury for Offset (+)    
(D) Other - must footnote (+)    
(E) Total - Currently Not Collectible Debts (1A-D not mutually exclusive)    
2 CNC Debts Closed Out During the Current FY (+)    
Section E
Disposition of Closed-Out Debts
1 Debts Closed Out During the Previous Calendar Year (CNC and Non-CNC Debts) (+)    
(A) Reported to IRS on Form 1099-C (+)    
(B) Not Reported to IRS on Form 1099-C - (must footnote) (1-1A)    
Part III - Footnotes
  • Part I Section A Line 4G Amount Field:
    Footnote text... abc...
  • Part II Section A Line 1K Number Field:
    Footnote text... xyz...

  • .
  • Other Footnotes:
    Miscellaneous Footnote text... abcdefg...

Agency Contact Information

Supervisor Information
Name Molly Smith
Phone 205-777-7777
Address 777 7th Street, NW
Washington DC 20000
Preparer Information
Name Lisa Loomer>
Phone 205-777-7778
Fax 205-777-7779