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Division of Taxation

Petroleum Products Tax Forms

The following forms can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. PDF formatted documents contain the same text as the original printed documents. To view PDF formatted documents, you must have Acrobat Reader, which is available free from Adobe. Click the link to download the newest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader now!

Form Content PDF Size
PPT-40 New Jersey Petroleum Products Gross Receipts Tax Return 221K
Schedule A-Petroleum consumed or deemed consumed by aircraft in NJ 63K
Instructions for Forms PPT-40 & PPT-41 24K
PPT-41 Petroleum Products Gross Receipts Tax Monthly Remittance 24K
PPT-4 Export Certificate and Instructions 147K
PPT-5 Exempt Use Certificate 64K
PPT-6-A Direct Payment Certificate and Instructions 150K
PPT-6-B Application for Direct Payment Permit and Instructions 114K

Last Updated: Tuesday, 11/11/08

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