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Division of Taxation

Sales and Use Tax Review Commission Recommendations - 2004

The analysis provided in support of the Review Commission's recommendations is based on discussions by Commission members as well as information that may be provided to the Commission by third parties, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or judgment of any individual Commission member.

Bill Number Description Recommendation Date
A-3154 Authorizes the creation of new Urban Enterprise Zone in Buena Borough, Atlantic County. 12/06/04
A-3156 Authorizes the creation of new Urban Enterprise Zone in Buena Vista, Atlantic County. 12/06/04
A-3224 Excludes the value of certain coupons and rebates from the amount taxable under the Sales and Use Tax Act. 12/06/04
A-3301 Exempts from sales and use tax sales of certain equipment to railroad police. 12/06/04
A-3443 Exempts sales of energy and utility service to manufacturing facilities from the sales and use tax and the transitional energy facility assessment (TEFA) unit rate surcharge. 12/06/04
A-3484 Extends eligibility for the sales and use tax exemption of energy and utility service purchases by certain manufacturing-intensive businesses in Urban Enterprise Zones. 12/06/04
S-1917 Exempts subscription fees for cable radio service, satellite television service and satellite radio service from sales and use tax. 12/06/04
S-1958 Conforms the sales and use tax to the Streamline Sales and Use Tax Agreement to provide for entry therein. 11/12/04
S-1995 Authorizes the creation of new Urban Enterprise Zone in Englewood City, Bergen County. 12/06/04
A-2582 Extends payment of sales tax revenues into UEZ assistance fund in those zones designated pursuant to P.L. 1993, c.367. 06/10/04
S-1376 Exempts health care supplies and equipment, purchased for use in providing health care services, from sales tax. 06/10/04
S-1436 Authorizes creation of 32nd urban enterprise zone in Salem City. 06/10/04
S-1483 Establishes a sales tax holiday in New Jersey from August 26 through September 1, 2004. 06/10/04
S-1484 Establishes a sales tax holiday in New Jersey from December 10 through December 25, 2004. 06/10/04
S-1496 Authorizes creation of urban enterprise zones in Garfield and Fairview in Bergen County. 06/10/04

Reconfirmed Prior Recommendations:

Prior recommendations on the following 2004-2005 legislative session bills were reconfirmed on March 29, 2004 (2002-2003 legislative session bill number in brackets). Recommendations from previous sessions are available on the Division of Taxation website at

A-168 (A-1996), A-1866 (A-1673), A-254 (A-3499), A-2067 (A-2024), A-263 (A-2207), A-2085 (A-153), A-484 (A-580), S-97 (S-2380), A-597 (A-486), S-160 (S-1595), A-924 (A-997), S-199 (S-1598), A-991 (A-3765), S-208 (S-2589), A-994 (A-3812), S-399 (S-258), A-1102 (A-876), S-604 (S-206), A-1216 (A-1039), S-666 (S-717), A-1427 (A-349), S-804 (S-204), A-1640 (A-330), S-815 (S-692), A-1671 (A-400) , S-923 (S-967), A-1738 (A-106), S-1080 (S-251), A-1778 (A-521), S-1255 (S-636)


Last Updated: Tuesday, 11/11/08

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