FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE            Aug. 4, 2004
MEDIA CONTACT:                           LaVerne Kyriss,,  720-962-7051

LAKEWOOD, Colo.—Western Area Power Administration’s Rocky Mountain Region has issued a Request for Proposals to purchase renewable energy certificates annually for five Environmental Protection Agency facilities in Western’s Rocky Mountain and Sierra Nevada regions.

This request for proposals calls for purchasing 17,375 MWh of renewable energy certificates. These are the intangible environmental benefits associated with generating one megawatthour of electric energy by a renewable resource.

            The RFP calls for Western to buy renewable energy certificates on EPA’s behalf for its Denver Regional Office, Golden (Colo.) Laboratory, Kansas City Science and Technology Center, Kansas City Regional Office and San Francisco Regional Office facilities.

            Since the initial contract term will be for one year—with the possibility of being extended for one-year intervals for up to two additional years—all potential offerors can consider a three-year total contract term when submitting offers.

            Renewable energy certificates generated from renewable resources that Native American tribes own or renewable resources located on Native American tribal property will be given favorable consideration.  All contract awards must pass Western’s best value determination, which is outlined in the request for proposals.

            Deadline for submissions is Sept. 9 at 4:30 p.m., MDT.  Submit offers to: Western Area Power Administration, Rocky Mountain Customer Service Region, ATTN: EPA REC Project Manager (J6000), P.O. Box 3700, Loveland, CO  80539-3003.  The street address and zip code are 5555 East Crossroads Blvd., Loveland, CO  80538-8986. 

            Offers may also be faxed to Western at (970) 461-7204, ATTN: EPA REC Project Manager (J6000).  Western will not consider offers submitted by hand or by e-mail.  A copy of the RFP is available at

            Western Area Power Administration annually markets and transmits more than 10,000 megawatts of power from hydroelectric powerplants owned and operated by the Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 15 western and central states. It is part of the Department of Energy.