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David Ridolfino
Acting Director
Telephone: (609) 633-2826

The Division of Administration provides the necessary administrative support, including fiscal, human resources, technology, affirmative action, government records access, and internal audit and ethics functions to all Treasury divisions. For State agencies, the Division provides fleet management and maintenance, postal services and printing services. We also provide support services for the Governor's Office, Public Advocate, numerous interdepartmental accounts, and various grant programs.

Our primary objective is to assist our clients in achieving their missions. We strive to build a process that is flexible, cost efficient for the New Jersey taxpayer, and client focused.

Contact Administration. Privacy Notice. Legal Statement.

administration:  administration home | deputy director | fiscal and resources | human resources | technology
affirmative action | internal audit | ethics | telecommunications | govt records access | job opportunities

treasury:   home | services | people | businesses | divisions | forms | online | treasury search
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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2005
Department of the Treasury
Division of Administration
P. O. Box 211
Trenton, NJ 08625-0211
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