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Tox Town en español - Inquietudes de salud ambiental y sustancias químcas y tóxicas en su lugar de residencia, trabajo y diversión
Tree Farm and LoggingEnglish

Why are tree farms a concern?

A tree farm is a privately owned forest that produces renewable crops of trees and forest products. A tree farm may also provide wildlife habitat or recreational space. Tree farms may be cause for concern because vehicles, equipment, and machinery used on tree farms may run on diesel, gasoline, or propane for fuel. This equipment may emit carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and other air pollutants.

If pesticides and herbicides are used on the tree crops, they may end up in runoff that causes water quality problems in streams, rivers, and other bodies of water. They may also be emitted into the air.

Logging may cause soil erosion, air pollution, and destruction of wildlife and plant habitat. Soil erosion and sediment production can pollute streams and rivers and threaten aquatic life. Beneficial nutrients found in living trees, which help the soil and other plants, are removed from a forest when trees are cut down.

Tree farm workers may be exposed to pesticides, air pollution, and pests such as rodents and ticks. Safety concerns on a tree farm include vehicles, machinery, logging equipment, and tools.

Web Links from MedlinePlus (National Library of Medicine)
Occupational Health (National Library of Medicine)

More Links
Logging (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
Logging eTool (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
Logging Safety (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Logging Safety (University of Maine Extension Service)
Logging, Forest and Conservation. Haz-Map (National Library of Medicine)

Chemicals and Tree Farms
¿Se encuentran estas sustancias químicas en mi propio ambiente?
Carbon Monoxide
Particulate Matter

Última actualización: 28 octubre 2008

Escenas gráficas interactivas
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Frontera EE.UU. - México
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