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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



The CIA is dedicated to fostering increased employee commitment to mission by engendering an environment based on trust and wedded to inclusion.

Engagement effects and heightens employee rational and emotional commitment to the organization, which strengthens their ties to mission and maximizes both their individual contributions and collective productivity. The Office of Diversity Plans and Programs (DPP) has established an Agency-wide network with the purpose of achieving the corporate goal of augmenting active employee engagement. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that our employees are performing at their maximum potential, being given challenging assignments with prospects for career growth and advancement, and creating a climate where they will be content with their management and peers. 

DPP focuses on diversity awareness in order to effectively communicate the benefits that an institutional culture of inclusion has on mission performance and retention.

We sponsor “Love ‘em or Lose ‘em” and “SatisfACTION Power” workshops and follow up with reinforcement activities. These workshops provide managers and employees with practical tools and strategies to address their particular engagement and retention issues.

DPP communicates the business case for diversity and the impact diversity has on the success of our mission. We also communicate diversity achievements, progress, and best practices shared by the leadership, directorates, the workforce, and offices across the Agency, and the Intelligence Community.


Posted: Apr 20, 2007 10:47 AM
Last Updated: Oct 08, 2008 12:46 PM
Last Reviewed: Oct 08, 2008 12:46 PM