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New Jersey offers the following two programs to electronically file state individual income tax returns: NJWebFile and NJE-File. These programs provide a quick and efficient way for taxpayers to meet their tax obligations.

The benefits of the E-File program include:

  • You will know within a few days that your return has been received and whether
    or not it has been accepted or rejected.

  • Your return is less likely to have errors.

  • Your return won't 'get lost'.

  • If you are due a refund, you can expect to have it mailed to you within about ten working days, versus the six to eight weeks for a paper filed return.

  • If you have a balance due, you can file early and forward your check separately.

You can take advantage of these benefits whether you file the return yourself or have a tax professional file it on your behalf. You may wish to read some of the Frequently Asked Questions about this program. We have also provided some guidelines that provide more detailed information.

Filing Your Own Return

The Fed/State Program will provide you with the opportunity to file your own income tax returns electronically. You will only be able to file the current year's return; you will not be able to file a return from a prior year. You will be able to file your returns whether you are expecting a refund, have a balance due, or no balance at all. The program accepts not only the individual income tax return, the NJ-1040, but also the Tenant Rebate and most forms and schedules that may be required.

Software companies that offer a New Jersey product must successfully test their product with the Division of Revenue. While there are variations within each software package, the typical process for filing your own return electronically would be:

  • Preparing and sending your returns to the software company.

  • The software company forwards the returns to the IRS.

  • The IRS will send a notice back to the software company acknowledging that
    they have received the returns and whether or not they have accepted the
    Federal return. If they accept it, the State return is made available to that state.

  • The State then processes their return and sends a second notice back to the
    software company indicating that they have received the return and whether
    or not they have accepted it.

  • The software company sends both notices to you as they receive them. You may
    not receive them at the same time. You may receive the State acknowledgment
    a day later.

  • If the State return is rejected, you may correct and refile it electronically.

The specifics of each of the above will be explained by the product that you purchase. Questions about the product that you use, or intend to use, should be directed to that company. The New Jersey Division of Revenue can not provide answers to questions regarding the specifics of a particular software product.

Approved E-File Software Vendors

Filing With A Tax Professional

As with any tax matter, you may wish to utilize the services of a tax professional. Most of them now offer electronic filing. The tax professional will prepare your returns and electronically forward them into the Fed/State Program. Any anticipated refunds will be sent to you.

You may obtain additional information from the IRS web site - or by stopping at your local IRS office. Correspondence regarding New Jersey's program can be addressed to the Branch at: New Jersey Division of Revenue, ELF Unit, PO Box 191, Trenton, NJ 08646-0191.


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Updated: 12/11/07