Star Schools Program

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1990 Awards
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Cycle Two: The following four projects were funded in the second (FY 1990-91) cycle:

  • Reach for the Stars (RFTS), under the auspices of the Massachusetts Corporation for Educational Telecommunications (MCET ) located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was designed to improve science education in middle grades (grades 5-8) through the integration of multiple distance learning technologies (interactive satellite, microcomputer, videodisc, and fax) with instructional strategies and materials that emphasized investigative problem solving and cooperative learning. In collaboration with 59 schools throughout New England and New York, RFTS also provided schools and districts with preparation and support as they developed new models for science instruction in the middle grades. A Science Action Team, composed of participating teachers, technology and discipline-specific coordinators, school-building and district administrators, school committee members, and parents, completed long-range action plans for science education in their respective districts. The award to MCET totalled $9.6 million for FY 1990-91.

  • Educational Service District 101 in Spokane, Washington, received a total of $9.8 million during FY 1990-91 to provide quality educational programs for students and contemporary inservice workshops for teachers in rural and remote school districts in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Approximately 3,000 students enrolled in courses such as science and technology, contemporary applied math, Russian, Japanese, and Spanish. Adult telecasts offered through the Star Schools grant included teacher inservice workshops and programs that engaged parents in building the self-esteem of their children.

  • The Central Educational Telecommunications Consortium, (CETC) managed by the Black College Satellite Network (BCSN) located in Washington, DC, provided services to 65 school districts in 12 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Through an established network of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, national organizations, federal and state agencies, churches and other institutions, CETC produced an array of elementary, middle, and high school programs. Courses such as algebra, calculus, physics, Arabic, Japanese, Swahili, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese were delivered through multiple technologies including satellite, cable, fiber optics and digital compression. Although BCSN received the least amount of funding in FY 1990-91 ($2.8 million), they were able to work with the participating colleges and universities and their neighboring communities to leverage additional funding to support the needs of students and teachers which these institutions of higher education serve.

  • Telecommunications Education for Advances in Mathematics and Science (TEAMS) began as partnership of five major urban school districts to provide live, interactive student instruction for grades 4-6. The project is managed by the Los Angeles County Office of Education and originally included the following school systems: Boston, Detroit, District of Columbia, Los Angeles Unified, and Los Angeles County. (TEAMS) includes a parent component that provides interactive experiences and instruction in mathematics, science and health to empower parents to help their children reach greater levels of achievement in school. TEAMS received $6.8 million as a second round grantee during FY 1990-91.

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Last Modified: 11/06/2007