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Overseas Opportunities / Peace Corps Medical Officers/ Duties and Responsibilites

PCMOs are the primary health care providers for Peace Corps Volunteers and Trainees overseas. They are personal services contractors, contracted for a one-year term with an option to renew. The PCMO is responsible for implementing the Volunteer health care delivery system in the country in accordance with standard medical practice and the official guidelines established by Peace Corps. This includes education, health care, and counseling to Peace Corps Volunteers and Trainees.

PCMOs are members of the Peace Corps country team and provide input to formulating in-country Peace Corps policies that affect Volunteer health and safety. The PCMO works under the supervision of the Country Director for all administrative matters. For all medical, technical and patient-care issues, the PCMO receives guidance, direction and support from the Office of Medical Services (OMS) at Peace Corps headquarters in Washington, DC. PCMOs serving in Africa report to their Area Peace Corps Medical Officer as well as OMS on patient-care issues.

The PCMO is on call after hours and on week-ends and holidays for emergencies. There are more than 100 PCMOs worldwide. Close to 70 percent are recruited and contracted in the countries of service. PCMOs recruited and contracted through headquarters in Washington, DC serve around the world, with the exception of positions in Central and South America, which are filled in the host countries.

Eligibility for most PCMO positions contracted through the headquarters' office is limited to licensed and nationally certified nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Physicians are welcome to apply and on occasion, a position may be open to a registered nurse with highly specialized qualifications.

Compensation is based on skill level and salary history. Benefits may include furnished housing and utilities, round-trip air fare, sick and annual leave, US and host-country holidays, allowances for shipment and storage of household effects, and reimbursement, up to a stated amount, for life, health and medical evacuation insurance. A legal spouse and minor dependents of the contractor may also receive some limited travel benefits.

Individuals who have been associated with certain intelligence activities cannot be considered for any Peace Corps position, including personal services contractor vacancies.

The Peace Corps Office of Medical Services recruits continuously for the PCMO position, so there are no closing dates. PCMO selection panels convene periodically in order to interview, rate and rank applicants. Those determined by a selection panel to be qualified are placed on a roster from which offers of assignments are made as positions become available. If, after studying the materials contained in this package, you remain interested in a PCMO position, please apply following the process described in PCMO Application Materials.


PCMO Program Coordinator
Peace Corps Office of Medical Services
1111 20th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526

800.424.8580, ext. 1500


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