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Submitting a FOIA Request

FCA will disclose any records that are not protected by one of the nine FOIA exemptions. If an exempt record contains nonexempt portions that can be separated from the whole with reasonable effort, FCA will release those portions.

The FCA may charge a fee for document search, review, and reproduction. The total fee depends on the identity of the requester and purpose of the request. For more information, see our fees for FOIA requests.

Important: Before submitting a FOIA request, please see the documents available through Reports and Publications. Also see FOIA Reading Room. It is possible that you do not have to submit a FOIA request to obtain the information you want.

Instructions for Submitting a FOIA Request

  1. Submit a request in writing, making sure that your submission clearly states “FOIA Request.”
  2. Provide a detailed description of the records you are requesting. Include specific dates, titles, and subject-matter descriptions.
  3. Indicate the most you are willing to pay in fees for the records.
  4. Submit the request to us in one of four ways:

    • Send through the mail to

      Freedom of Information Act Officer
      Farm Credit Administration
      1501 Farm Credit Drive
      McLean, VA 22102-5090
    • Submit your request by fax to (703) 790-0052.
    • Submit your request by e-mail to foiaofficer@fca.gov.
    • Submit your request electronically through the FCA Web site by filling out and submitting the FOIA Request Form.

