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Guidelines for Comment
at Public

Public comments on a coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy will be taken at all public meetings held by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy. The following guidelines will assist individuals who are interested specifically in making a comment at one of the public meetings. All Public Comments received by the Commission will become part of the official record.

  • Individuals interested in making public comments to the Ocean Commission at its public meetings must complete a Public Comment Form in order to participate.

  • Public Comment Forms will be available from staff at the registration table at each meeting.

  • Staff at the registration desk will distribute one form per person.

  • Public Comment Forms must be filled out at the meeting and submitted to staff at the registration desk.

  • The form must be submitted to staff no later than the start of the public comment period.

  • If a speaker cannot obtain a comment form in person prior to the public comment period, they may designate someone else at the meeting to submit the Public Comment Form on their behalf. However, a designee may sign up only one person per meeting, including two-day meetings.

  • Speakers may be called prior to the scheduled public comment period if time allows, but will not lose their place in line if they are unavailable.

  • Each speaker is limited to no more than 5 minutes. The Commission reserves the right to set the specific time limit at the meeting.

  • Each sign-in form is pre-numbered in the upper right-hand corner.

  • Speakers will be called in the order that they signed up with the exception that individuals presenting public comments to the Commission for the first time will be given preference over individuals who have had the opportunity to speak at prior Commission meetings.

  • Time constraints do not allow for a question and answer period following each statement, however, the Commission may submit follow-up questions in writing.

  • If a speaker is not called on by the Commission because of time constraints, they should submit materials in writing for the record by e-mail, fax or by mail.

  • All Public Comments received by the Commission will become part of the official record.

  • All Public Comments will be posted on the Commission web site, along with the name and affiliation of the individual submitting the comment, unless the individual submitting the comment specifically requests otherwise.

  • The Commission will not edit public comments posted on its web site. However, the Commission has the right, at its discretion, not to post comments that include objectionable language.


Revised April 25, 2008 by Ocean Commission Webmaster
Site hosted by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce


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