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The Heritage Education program of the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT) was developed as a pilot program in the State of Louisiana. The program is supported by the State of Louisiana, Northwestern State University (NSU), the National Park Service (NPS) and other heritage based organizations. Numerous teachers and administrators also support this effort.

Heritage Education – Louisiana was developed as a grassroots program which has lent it credibility and longevity in the state. A study conducted by researchers at NSU during the program's development determined that heritage education increases a sense of culture and heritage resource stewardship among students who participate in the program.

The program curriculum was developed to encompass the primary subjects of math, English language arts, science and social studies, using culture and heritage resources as the method of delivering the lessons.

The lesson plans focus on four types of culture and heritage resources:

  • cemeteries
  • churches
  • main streets
  • and agrarian units (i.e. plantations).

These lesson plans can also be applied to elective courses such as art, business and journalism.

While the preliminary work that has been done in Louisiana is substantial, an additional effort is now being mounted to move this program into the next phase. The Heritage Education program at NCPTT was planned as a national program to be active in all 50 states as well as Washington D.C.

NCPTT will develop professional contacts in other states and regions, locate culture and heritage resources appropriate to the curriculum and identify teachers and administrators who value heritage education as a unique learning opportunity for their students.

Linda Easley Roach
*May be copied for educational purposes only and must include footer in reproduction. June, 2002
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NCPTT - National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
645 University Parkway
Natchitoches, LA 71457

Updated: Monday, July 21, 2008
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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