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Spring 2008 Meeting
Preservation Technology and Training Board
National Park Service

Draft Agenda
NCPTT Headquarters
Lee H. Nelson Hall

Natchitoches, LA

Monday, April 14, 2008

PTT Board arrives in Natchitoches
3:00 PM Orientation for new Board members
6:30 PM DINNER – optional dutch treat dinner at The Tin House

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - Conference Room, NCPTT

BREAKFAST – on your own
9:00 AM Call to Order, Welcome, Introduction of Guests, Opening Remarks, Certification of Meeting, Agenda, Logistics, Approval of Minutes
Judy Bense, Chair
Jon Smith, Former Designated Federal Official (DFO)
Introduction of Robert Sutton, new DFO
Kirk Cordell, Executive Director
9:15 AM NPS National Report: Cultural Programs Status, Budget Outlook, Policy Trends
Mr. Sutton
9:45 AM State of the National Center
Mr. Cordell
10:15 AM FY2007 Budget Update
Kevin Ammons, Administrative Officer
10:30 AM BREAK – catered
10:45 AM Partners Report
Steve Horton, VP & Dean, Northwestern State University
Laura Gates, Superintendent, Cane River Creole NHP
Nancy Morgan, Former Exec Director, Cane River NHA
New Executive Director, Cane River NHA
11:15 AM PTT Grants: FY08 Application Process & Awards
Mary F. Striegel, Chief, Materials Research
David Morgan, Chief, Archeology & Collections
Andy Ferrell, Chief, Architecture & Engineering
11:45 AM Heritage Education
Board Discussion with Christine Faith
12:15 PM LUNCH – catered on the 2nd floor of Nelson Hall
1:15 PM Historic Landscapes
Board Discussion with Debbie Smith
1:45 PM Materials Research
Board Discussion with Mary Striegel
2:15 PM Archeology and Collections
Board Discussion with David Morgan
2:45 PM Architecture and Engineering
Board Discussion with Andy Ferrell
3:15 PM Strategic Plan
Mr. Ferrell
Dr. Morgan
Mrs. Smith
Dr. Striegel
3:45 PM BREAK – catered
4:00 PM Preserve America: Building a Preservation Clearinghouse
Mr. Cordell
Jeffrey Guin
4:45 PM Wrap-up of Day and Resolutions
5:00 PM Adjourn for day
5:15 PM PTT Board Lecture – 2nd floor Nelson Hall
Jonathan Spodek, Assistant Professor, Ball State University
6:15 PM End of Lecture; free time until dinner
NSU President’s House, hosted by Dr. & Mrs. Randy Webb

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - Conference Room, NCPTT

BREAKFAST – on your own
9:00 AM The Pocantico Conference on Preservation and Sustainability
Robert Silman, Chairman Emeritus (via conference phone)
  1. Who from the Board and Staff are going?
  2. Our cooperative effort with NTHP.
  3. The list of invited guests.
  4. Will there be a facilitator?
  5. Will there be a keynote speaker?
  6. Who will work with me on getting the program together?  This will require assigning homework to the participants as well as organizing the agenda.
  7. Defining our goals and those of NTHP.
  8. Deciding upon what the "deliverables" will be and how they will be disseminated to the world.
10:30 AM BREAK – catered
10:45 AM Board Comment: Research Program
Dr. Bense
Mr. Cordell
11:15 AM Board Comment: Training Program
Dr. Bense
Mr. Cordell
11:45 AM Wrap-up and Resolutions
12:00 PM Adjourn; End of Official Board Business
LUNCH – on your own
Please sign your travel vouchers before you leave so we can reimburse you more quickly!


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Phone: (318) 356-7444  ·  Fax: (318) 356-9119

NCPTT - National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
645 University Parkway
Natchitoches, LA 71457

Updated: Monday, April 14, 2008
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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