A cross-agency U.S. Government Web site. List of AIRNow partner agencies
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State and Local Agencies

This page is intended as a quick reference for state and local air agencies and for EPA Regional Offices for planning purposes. It is not intended for release to the general public.

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Many of the documents on this page must be downloaded and viewed in Word or PowerPoint.

Press Material

PSA Scripts ( PDF 29KB)
Press Kit
  Facts about the Expanded AQI Forecasts (PDF 126KB)
  Air Quality Guide for Particle Pollution
  AQI Information Sources (PDF 22KB)
  List of Cities Forecasting for Particles ( PDF 163KB)

Regional Launch Tools

Regional Launch Ideas ( PDF 36KB)
Press Coverage Tracking Sheet ( PDF 23KB)
Sample Pitch Letter Template ( PDF 23KB)
Banner Template (DOC 303KB)
Template Talking Points for Regions ( PDF 24KB)
Headquarters Contacts Phone Email
John Millett - Press Office 202-564-7842 Millett.John@epa.gov
Richard "Chet" Wayland - Meteorologist 919-541-4603 Wayland.Richard@epa.gov
Debbie Stackhouse - Program Outreach 919-541-5354 Stackhouse.Debbie@epa.gov
Regional Contacts (XLS 1127KB)  
Reference Materials
Air Quality Index (AQI) At-A-Glance Messages ( PDF 34KB) Color coded chart for quick reference
Facts About the Expanded AQI Forecasts (PDF 126KB)

Air Quality Guide for Particle Pollution

Background fact sheet about particles
AQI- A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health Background booklet on air quality and health issues
Talking Points for Meteorologists - ( PDF 43KB) Talking points on the expanded AQI for your viewers
Myths and Facts - ( PDF 23KB) About the AQI, particles and ozone
Tips for Meteorologists -
(PDF 26KB)
Tips on How to Introduce Year-Round AQI Forecasts to Your Viewers
Q&A for Health Professionals - ( PDF 26KB)
Particle Pollution and Your Health
Particle Pollution: It's a Serious Concern (1.7MB PPT) Overview about particles
A New Way to Look at the Atmosphere (6.2MB PPT)
twc-6-25AMCD.mpeg (8.2MB MPG)
WDBJ-6-24_rev.mpg (9.1MB MPG)
These files are linked to the above presentation and should be downloaded into the same directory. They are also bundled and available for download in ZIP format. (21.8MB)
Expanded Air Quality Index - AMS presentation by Chet Wayland

Viewing Requirements:  Viewing an MPEG file and best viewed using any of the following free media players.  To get one of these players, you can click on the hyper-links below (Note: you will exit EPA space).
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Windows Media Player; Real Player; Apple Quicktime

This page was last updated on Friday, November 16, 2007.   
AIRNow is a government-backed program. Through AIRNow, EPA, NOAA, NPS, news media, tribal, state, and local agencies work together to report conditions for ozone and particle pollution. State, Local and Tribal Partners.
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