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Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Report Checklist for Tribes

Updated December 2005

The requirement to submit a EE/RE report, in compliance with Western’s Energy Planning and Management Program, was established in Section 114 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Public Law 102-486, and published in the Code of Federal Regulations at 10 CFR part 905 as updated in 2000. 

Western’s IRP requirements for an EE/RE Report ask for the following information:

  • Name, address, phone number, contact person and e-mail.
  • Names of Western firm power customers included in the plan
  • Type of customer (irrigation district, Federal agency, tribes, end user, etc.)
  • Period of time covered by the plan
  • Statement of future energy purchases or use projections for the next five years. 

Action plan for the next five years based on this plan

  • Opportunities to meet future requirements using energy efficiency, facility/building improvements, new renewable resources and other services to meet efficiency goals.
  • List and describe activities, projected kW, kWh, dollars savings, and annual program costs.
  • Describe efforts to minimize adverse environmental effects.
  • Western requires an annual update to track your progress.  An Excel reporting spreadsheet is available. 

Or, submittal of report required by state, tribal or Federal mandated EE/RE Program.

  • Provide a copy of the mandated plan/ report to Western that describes activities, projected kW, kWh, dollars savings and annual program costs.
  • Western requires an annual update to track your progress.  The mandated annual report will meet Western’s requirement.  If you wish, you may use our Excel reporting spreadsheet.

Energy efficiency improvements to consider (not all inclusive):

  • Boiler, furnace, air conditioning retrofits
  • Weatherization, insulation
  • Storm windows/doors
  • Insulation of air ducts, boilers, pipes, etc.
  • Clock thermostats and equipment system timers
  • Heat pumps
  • Energy audits
  • Public education programs
  • Loan arrangements or rebate program for energy-efficient equipment
  • Use of infrared heat detection equipment
  • Energy efficient lighting
  • Equipment inspection programs
  • Electric motor replacements
  • Upgrading of distribution lines/substation equipment
  • Power factor improvement
  • Distribution efficiency upgrades and maintenance
  • Street-lighting

Renewable Energy Activities:

  • Solar thermal/photovoltaic projects
  • Day lighting technologies
  • Active solar installations
  • Wind energy projects
  • Biomass/refuse-derived fuels
  • Geothermal projects
  • Small-scale hydro projects

Load management techniques:

  • Load management devices/systems
  • Demand control techniques and equipment
  • Smart meters or automated equipment
  • Time-of-use meters

Rate design improvements:

  • Cost-of-service pricing
  • Elimination of declining block rates
  • Time-of-day rates
  • Seasonal rates
  • Interruptible rates

Agricultural energy efficiency improvements:

  • Irrigation pump use/scheduling
  • Irrigation pump testing or efficiency improvements
  • Electric motor replacement
  • Photovoltaic pumping systems
  • Ditch lining or piping
  • Laser land leveling
  • Pump-back systems
  • Water conservation programs