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Legislative and/or Regulatory Review

The OIG reviews existing and proposed legislation, regulations, directives, and policy initiatives that affect FCA’s programs and offices. The objective is to evaluate their impact on FCA’s economy and efficiency and on the prevention of fraud and abuse.

Any significant concerns are documented in a Regulatory Commentary and provided to the Agency for consideration.

The statutory intent of the Regulatory Commentary is to identify potential problems and assist in preventing them; therefore, the OIG does not always request formal replies. However, significant observations regarding action or inaction by the Agency are reported in the OIG’s Semiannual Report to Congress.

Regulatory Commentaries contain the following information:

  • A citation of the IG Act as authority for the review
  • The specific law, regulation, directive, or policy examined
  • Pertinent background information
  • The OIG’s concerns, observations, and objections



