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National Center for Preservation Technology and Training

National Park Service

Lee H. Nelson Hall

Natchitoches, Louisiana

April 4, 2007


Preservation Technology and Training Board

Preservation Technology and Training Board Members Present: Mr. Robert Silman (chair emeritus), Dr. Judith Bense (chair-elect), Mr. Horace Foxall, Mr. Jim Garrison, Mr. Norman Koonce, Ms. Suzanne Turner, Mr. Rob Pahl, and Dr. Frank Preusser.
Members Absent: Mr. Roy Graham, Suzanne Lewis Mr. Norman Weiss
Designated Federal Official: Mr. Jon Smith
Northwestern State Unversity of Louisiana Representative: Dr. Steve Horton
Cane River Creole National Historical Park: Ms. Laura Gates
National Center for Preservation Technology and Training Staff: Mr. Kirk Cordell (Executive Director), Mr. Kevin Ammons, Mr. Sean Clifford Ms. Christine Faith Mr. Andy Ferrell, Mr. Jeff Guin, Dr. David Morgan, Dr. Mary Striegel.

Chair-emeritus Silman called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. and asked Mr. Smith, DFO, to certify the meeting. Smith informed the board the meeting had been announced in the Federal Register as required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (43 CFR Part 102-3.150 (a)). He certified the meeting and said that a quorum was present in compliance with the Board’s by-laws and charter.

Mr. Foxall moved to accept minutes, Mr. Garrison seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.

Mr. Silman expressed his appreciation for the support given to him during his time as chair and acknowledged the new chair of the board, Dr. Judy Bense.

Chair Bense thanked the board for the opportunity to serve and acknowledged Ms. Laura Gates to deliver the partners reports for Cane River Creole National Historical Park (CARI) and Cane River National Heritage Area (CRNHA).

Ms. Gates said the NCPTT support staff has been helpful to the Park as CARI has lost half its staff due to budget constraints. Sean Clifford, NCPTT webmaster, has helped with interpretive video and Lance Ellis, IT administrator, has helped keep the park informed about televised training through the satellite Tel-NPS program, allowing the remaining park staff to receive training at the Center.

NCPTT and the Park collaborated on a study of traditional limewash using buildings at CARI. Though the research has been completed, problems with the NPS contracting agency is causing problems with implementation of the research and the preservation of the park’s cultural resources as well. Mr. Foxall offered his experience to the Park regarding working with government contracting.

The NPS agencies in Natchitoches have collaborated with the Mayor’s office to find a solution to restore the historic brick main street. Many people are involved with the project, including NCPTT’s Andy Ferrell and his former professor at LSU, Barrett Kennedy.

Mr. Cordell said the Center has worked with the CRNHA to develop a GIS system to help document the city’s historic buildings, which will give more attention to some of the lesser-known historic structures. Dr. Morgan said an oral history project is documenting the city’s African-American heritage.

A signage program is improving access and interpretation of the Cane River region. More signage in outlying areas and a heritage trail is planned as well. Department of Transportation Development approval is pending.

Dr. Bense acknowledged Mr. Jon Smith for his report on the NPS Cultural Resources Program status. NCPTT is under the Heritage Preservation Assistance Program (HPAP). Mr. Smith said these programs, including HPF, Save America’s Treasures, Heritage Education Services, etc., are the face of preservation for the Federal Government. Mr. Smith is working to give the HPAP group an identity and raise its profile.

HPF was given $43 million for Katrina relief, which it proceeded to distribute as efficiently as possible. Louisiana was given $18 million for historic home assistance.

Congress recently designated ten new National Heritage Areas. Within the next year, Congress is expected to designate 7-10 more Heritage Areas. There is only one staff member to manage the program at the federal level.

More than $43 million was appropriated for hurricane relief through SHPO’s and ACHP. There were 1,800 quality applications for homeowners of historic properties.

Heritage Education Services has surpassed 130 education lesson plans and had a record number of website hits. The program reports collaboration with more than 1,000 organizations.

The National Park Service Advisory Plan, which Smith passed out at the last meeting, is being implemented quickly and efficiently.

Mr. Smith is hopeful that the HPAP programs can work together and leverage resources to strengthen its preservation initiatives despite flat funding.

Mr. Silman asked about the future of NCPTT’s funding.

Mr. Smith said he received a communication from the NPS budgeting office that the Center is in the budget for $1,923,000. Since NCPTT has been cut from the budget for several years, the board is pleased with its inclusion.

Dr. Bense expressed appreciation to Mr. Smith for fighting for the Center.

State of the Center: Mr. Cordell stated that the Center is thriving. Following the last board meeting, Silman, Foxall, Ferrell and Cordell went to the Preserve America Summit held in New Orleans. ACHP synthesized recommendations from the summit and posted them online. One of the recommendations was “Promote innovative technologies by creating a clearinghouse through the National Park Service National Center for Preservation Technology and Training to disseminate information and encourage the use of innovative technologies.” Mr. Silman added that NCPTT was the only organization specifically mentioned in these recommendations.

The Center has developed a training calendar. Included with these are training in three of the Center’s program areas: Archeology, Architecture, Materials Research.

Since the last board meeting, Mr. Cordell participated in the National Trust meeting in Pittsburgh, where the NCPTT booth was very popular. He also attended a daylong session on Preservation Trades and participated in a related summit. He believes the Center should pursue a tighter collaboration with this field and would like the board’s opinion on how to accomplish this.

While at the Trust meeting, Mr. Cordell also made his annual visit to the NCPE board meeting, where he agreed to have NCPTT’s webmaster, Sean Clifford, assist them in making better use of the web to promote their programs. NCPTT is already an affiliated member of NCPE and promotes their programs by including the “great list” on the NCPTT website.

Cordell filmed the introductions to the cemetery training video.
Mr. Cordell and Mr. Ferrell met with the AIA HRC Education Task force in January. Discussions there have led to NCPTT’s proposed cooperative agreement with DOCOMOMO to facilitate the documentation of modernist structures and the identification of conservation techniques for materials of the recent past.
January also brought tours of our facility by congressman McCrery’s new Legislative Aide, and by the Board of Supervisors of the University of Louisiana System.

A major milestone was reached with production of the Center’s first Tel-Net course on January 30. NCPTT’s use of Tel-Net since its acquisition of system two years ago demonstrated how powerful a medium it could be and persuaded the staff that would be worth experimenting with.

Cordell and Ferrell traveled to New Orleans at end of January to advise Traditional Building on upcoming conference in New Orleans in the fall of 2007. As result of that collaboration, Traditional Building offered to donate booth space to us at their conferences in Boston in March and in New Orleans in November. NCPTT sought and received ethics approval to accept the donation.

In February, Cordell presented at an NPS-sponsored workshop on Disaster Preparedness in Natchez, Miss. along with Brian Robinson, Marilyn Kaplan, Steve Kelly, and Ken P’Pool. He spoke on “How to Prepare Buildings for Disaster”

The Center also hosted the CARI African-American History conference, a group of graduate preservation students from Tulane, the NSU Master of Arts in Heritage Resources student presentations, and various drop-ins from around the state and around the country.

NCPTT was proposed for a cost of living increase to cover the federal employees’ raises this year (about $19k), would have been the first increase in the Center’s history. The Center still has no funding advice for this year, so budget you see in report is best-guess based on flat budget under Cultural Resources.

As we expected, our flat budgets are making money tight for all of our operations as NCPTT completes its back-filling of vacant positions.

Kevin Ammons will go over the budget in detail, but here are a few highlights:
Travel – staff accounts for $54k of $95k total; board consumes $35k and instructors another $6. Doesn’t include contracted travel by instructors.
Fixed building costs (Rent, Utilities) continue to climb. Energy costs are up to $40k this year.
Tech Notes – startup cost to produce one publication in-house. Propose to produce tech note series on topics not amenable to Preservation Briefs, e.g., cleaning headstones, repairing tabby, laser cleaning of graffiti, etc.

Mr. Cordell announced that he would make an offer and fill the Historic Landscapes Chief position this week. If accepted, it will return the Center to full staffing for first time since he came here almost 5 years ago.

NCPTT will have a full intern program again this year, with four positions already released and two more to be released later in the week.

Tye Botting left NCPTT for greener pastures with a defense contractor in Virginia in January. MRP is advertising for another joint faculty position with the NSU Chemistry department.

The FY-05 Annual Report was forwarded to the President and Congress in January and mailed out to the full NCPTT mailing list last week. The 06 report is in rough draft on Mr. Cordell’s desk; NCPTT delayed production slightly not to get ahead of the 05 report. He would like to seek review and approval of the 06 report on the Board Forum so printing won’t have to wait for another meeting.

The landscape plan has been bid through the state facility planning office and came in about 10 percent over budget. NCPTT is negotiating with facility planning and the University to either add some current year funds to make up the difference or reduce the scope of work to meet the budget.

Twelve different Tel-Net classes have been taken by 30 participants (some from the park or heritage area) on the system so far this spring.

NCPTT continues to build the professional library and is working to bring it up to professional standards. 30 books were added since the last Board meeting.

As noted in the report, the website has established NCPTT as the worldwide authority on preservation technology. Unique visitors grew again, by 21 percent since our last meeting, while page views decreased 60 percent in the same period. About 30 percent of the visitors to our site are repeat visitors.

The Product Catalog and our Hurricane Preservation Technical Assistance pages were the most popular parts of our site. The top 15 areas as well as our most popular downloads are listed in the IT report at tab eight.

Since the fall meeting, NCPTT has sent out more than 80 publications; almost 90 percent were ordered through the online product catalog.

The pocket at the rear of the board report contains the latest examples of Jeff Guin’s marketing handiwork. Jeff continues to do an exceptional job promoting the Center’s activities.

NCPTT is recommending funding for seven PTT Grants totaling $249,600. Heritage Ed grants will not be awarded this year.

Lou Gallegos’ position is vacant; a name has been forwarded for the Secretary of the Interior to consider. The following Board members’ terms expired last fall; their names have been submitted for reappointment: Bob Silman, Frank Preusser and Norman Weiss

The board will need to fill Patricia O’Donnell’s position; Suzanne Lewis may have to resign as well.

Mr. Smith’s report on the budget indicates that the Center will get the $19,000 cost of living increase it proposed.

Mr. Silman asked when construction would occur on the NCPTT landscape plan. Mr. Cordell responded in would start sometime this spring.

Dr. Bense acknowledged Kevin Ammons, NCPTT’s administrative officer, to report on the budget. Mr. Ammons pointed to a chart illustrating NCPTT funding trends since 1996.

Among the budget items to note, utilities were up 40 percent between the 2005 and 2006 fiscal years. An item has been included to pay for moving costs of the new chief of the historic landscapes program. Potential capital improvements include replacement of the upstairs display screen, a “smart board” for the downstairs conference room. The Cemetery Tel-Net Course costs are considerably lower than the Center’s other training courses and reached a high number of people, demonstrating its value.

Mr. Silman called for discussion on how the proposed NCPTT friend’s group could cover some of the listed budget costs. Mr. Cordell suggested saving the discussion for the friend’s group topic.

Mr. Pahl said he would like to see the income from workshops listed along with the budget. He believes it would be useful for analyzing the costs of workshops and whether or not fees can be increased so the flat budget can be leveraged to greater effect.

Mr. Cordell said as a government agency, the Center cannot take money and save it for investment. It can be used for things related to the workshop like travel, food and materials.

Mr. Morgan said he saw the utility of tracking expenses of products and services. Ms. Striegel said in an upcoming Cemetery Basics class, the partner will assess fees and collect money, which will go to cover the expenses. She also said more “income” comes from cooperative projects with other agencies.

Dr. Preusser said the word “income” raises a red flag within the federal system and casts a shadow on the credibility of the research being done.

Dr. Bense says she would like to see the money accepted for training itemized however NCPTT staff believes is appropriate. The board agreed they would like to see that budget item for curiosity’s sake.

Mr. Ammons said he would include those figures in the future.


Dr. Bense recognized Dr. Striegel to report on the PTT Grants program. There were 44 complete online applications. Approximately 80 applications were started. The grants process included an initial review for completeness and relevancy by the NCPTT staff. Proposals then went to mini panels and eventually to a national panel for review.

The national panel reviewed 23 proposals and their review was followed by a conference call, eliminating the need for reviewers to travel for a meeting. Estimated cost savings was $15,000. Mr. Garrison, the PTT Board representative in the process, said he found the process efficient.

A discussion ensued about how well the conference call contributed to the process. Mr. Morgan and Dr. Preusser felt such conference calls do not allow interpersonal communication and lessen the power of persuasion.

Included in the PTT Grants report is the list of proposals recommended for funding as well as proposals recommended for funding pending additional grant money.

Declination letters have been delayed as the staff has decided more detail is needed for the letters.

Also included in the report are descriptions of final grant reports the staff has recently received.

Mr. Koonce says his experience with AIA shows that holding meetings such as the review panel at a major airport hub saves money and eases travel.

Dr. Bense suggested having a teleconference that would allow the body language element some felt important to the discussion. She also suggested calling for a project abstract for initial consideration for a grant. Dr. Preusser said the Getty calls for a 2-3 page letter of intent. The board agreed this would save time and money.

Mr. Garrison said he expected to find more matching funds and cooperating agencies in the grant applications. Mr. Cordell and Mr. Smith saw utility in encouraging grantees to find matching funds, which would demonstrate NCPTT’s commitment to leveraging its own budget.

Dr. Preusser said many organizations, including the Getty, require matching funds for their grants.

Dr. Striegel said NCPTT is one of the few organizations that encourage the development of new technologies in preservation and applicants will have a hard time finding someone to match funds for these projects.

Mr. Morgan said we could require a much small threshold for matching requirements such as 5:1 or 10:1.

Mr. Cordell said the Center does advertise that preference is given to applications with matching funds. Dr. Preusser said that wording should be stronger.

Ms. Turner advocated for individuals and smaller organizations that have groundbreaking research and may not be able to find matching funds due to the risk.

Mr. Pahl believes a concise and relevant communication of the PTT Grants program is the more issue than administrative tweaks such as requiring matches.

Mr. Silman asked that matching funds and other leveraged funds be clearly illustrated in the Annual Report. Dr. Bense polled the board for their final thoughts on the issue. Mr. Koonce suggested the Center better document matching funds in the proposal phase of the grants cycle and the board agreed this would be a good start. Mr. Cordell said the staff would consider the suggestion.

Mr. Ferrell said his program is approaching its engineering initiative in a different manner this year. A “train the trainers” course would allow other architecture and engineering professionals to teach the information NCPTT developed in a wider-range of venues. A course is planned in Philadelphia in the fall.

The program is collaborating with AIA on a student design competition. Students are encouraged to rethink the design of historic structures with a strong preservation ethic.

Mr. Ferrell further described the brick pavement documentation project described earlier by Ms. Gates. He sees implications for the project’s use as a template for disaster planning.

Two NCPTT interns have been performing GIS documentation throughout the city of Natchitoches as part of a joint study with the Cane River Heritage Area. They recently completed the first draft of the Natchitoches Architectural Survey Guide.

Mr. Ferrell and his program assistant, Sarah Jackson, have been compiling information on sustainable design with the idea of creating short technical briefs. They are also writing an article for Louisiana Civil Engineer magazine.

NCPTT’s training has grown beyond the Summer Institute due to logistics and efforts to grow the program nationally. The fact that most training was held outdoors, combined with the Louisiana heat, made the training unpalatable for some participants.

Dr. Morgan said his program has been focused on facilitating current research as well as planning future initiatives.

NCPTT has been contributing to the development of a GIS/GPS system for an important research project on determining the age of earthworks. The ancient Poverty Point site in northeast Louisiana will be the primary site for the research.

A project studying methods of bone consolidation is on hiatus due to lack of manpower.

The Prospection in Depth training program will be held again this summer. A paper has been presented on the program and a paper on the subject is in the works. The course will be abbreviated.

NCPTT will host a two-part symposium on technologies of remote site surveillance and monitoring. The Louisiana Army National Guard is funding the event. The symposia will allow organizations to share their experiences and discuss methods to improve in this area of research.

NCPTT is partnering with the University of Tennessee to host a workshop in 2008 on fundamental and technical approaches to geoarcheology.

Dr. Striegel began her presentation by focusing on training successes. On Jan. 31, MRP went to the Historic Preservation Training Center in West Virginia to conduct NCPTT’s first Tel-Net course, entitled “Essentials in Cemetery Monument Care.” The course had well over 100 participants.

A video on basic cemetery cleaning was shown to the board. A copy of the DVD is in the pocket section of the board report. The video is on the NCPTT website as well.

Cemetery training workshops are scheduled this year for San Antonio, Texas, and Pensacola, Fla.

NCPTT’s joint study with the National Cemetery Administration on the cleaning of headstones is progressing well despite the highly variable conditions encountered in cemeteries across the country.

MRP is consulting with a cemetery in Shreveport that has received a Save America’s Treasures grant. MRP is also entering a joint study with HPTC on soiling issues within Congressional Cemetery.

An article for APT Bulletin is in press on NCPTT’s limewash study. Another article on the vitrification of historic terrazzo is scheduled for publication in the October 2006 issue of APT Bulletin.

Mr. Pahl asked what is the value of cleaning headstones. Dr. Striegel replied that readability, destruction by biological growth, and family wishes come factor in to that decision. In some cases, harsh chemicals are being used to clean headstones that destroy them in the long term. NCPTT is offering a gentler alternative to those who insist on frequent cleaning.


Dr. Bense called the meeting back to order at 1:47 p.m. and recognized Christine Faith, Heritage Education program coordinator, who spoke on a new direction for the program.

Faith said she will use her experience as a former National Park Service interpreter to enhance heritage resources stewardship, develop community awareness, develop and support the development of technology for lesson plan distribution and use curriculum standards to make heritage education more useful to teachers.

The mini grants program was limited geographically and in funding, so the direction of that program is unclear.

The program is fluid and in transition, so Ms. Faith is interested in any comments from the board.

Mr. Cordell reminded the board that the mini grants program was last funded in 2002 and has been subsidized through the general budget. As vacant staff positions have been filled, fewer funds have been available to fund the program.

Dr. Bense said she would put Ms. Faith in touch with people in her state to help develop a course that gives continuing education credits to teachers to learn Heritage Education.

Mr. Silman said the audience for the Heritage Education program has the potential to bring more visibility to NCPTT than anything else. The program’s initiatives have a significant impact for the funds put in to it.

Dr. Preusser said he was impressed with the Heritage Education program as much as any other at the Center and the friends group should undertake its national development as a priority.

Ms. Turner agreed that the education of children commands much more visibility than anything else the Center could do. She suggested it should even be included in the mission somehow.

Mr. Foxall sees an opportunity to piggyback on environmental initiatives.

Ms. Faith agreed that one cannot talk about cultural resources without talking about their environment. However, the environmental issues normally trump cultural issues. She believes the environmental education movement should be studied to evaluate how it accomplished its successes.

Dr. Bense suggested the Center put together one-minute PSAs about cultural resource issues that can be offered to state or federal NPR stations. Ms. Faith said she just recorded a podcast that somewhat fits into this idea.

Mr. Smith said the Heritage Education program in Washington has virtually no budget, but has hundreds of partners to accomplish its goals.

Mr. Silman asked what actions the program will undertake to keep the program effective until the friends group is up and running.

Ms. Faith has identified four states on which to focus: Maryland, Ohio, Montana and Louisiana.

Mr. Silman asked if there was a group Faith could go to in order to distribute its products to all 50 states at once.

Faith is working on the program’s existing lesson plans to make them less specific to Louisiana so they are more portable to educators elsewhere.

Dr. Preusser asked if there would be a backlash from teachers who previously participated in the program and are no longer finding the funds available. Ms. Faith said they have expressed disappointment, but are still enthusiastic about the using heritage education in their lessons.

Dr. Preusser and Dr. Bense encouraged Faith to develop a strategic plan for the program, including a wish list for funding.

Ms. Faith said Louisiana has one of the most stringent educational programs. In theory, the fact that Heritage Education was successful here indicates it can work in any state.

Discussion turned to the Lee H. Nelson prize. As the topic has been raised for several board meetings with no progress, should the topic be dropped?

Dr. Bense wondered if naming a prize after a person makes it more specific to that person’s field of endeavor.

Mr. Koonce suggested the topic be tabled until the next meeting when Roy Graham can share his thoughts about the issue. Mr. Silman said he would talk to Pat Tiller as well.

Mr. Cordell continued the meeting by giving a brief overview of the friends group. A group began to form a number of years ago and some $13,000 was contributed, but was never formally organized. The board has considered the topic a number of times.

A meeting was held yesterday with de Teel Patterson Tiller, who has agreed to take charge of the group as it is formed. Mr. Koonce summarized the meeting, which consisted of strategic thinking about what projects would be funded by such a group. These would include production, marketing and distribution of products. Funding research equipment and initiatives like heritage education could benefit as well. An attorney is investigating the legal channels that need to be explored based on the discussion.

Three incorporating directors will be selected and make initial decisions to organize the board. Conceptually, the group should be more inspirational than technical to garner interest and donors. Total commitment by NCPTT and the board is required. Fundraising is not just raising money, but developing mutually advantageous relationships.

Mr. Silman said it would take time to get the group legally established, but could accomplish the basic organization within a few months. Dr. Bense said it was also possible to take pledges for payment when the group is officially formed.

Dr. Preusser said his experience shows that an organization’s success rises and falls on the membership of the board. The board needs to include members who are connected and have resources. Mr. Silman said he serves on a board that raises money on a smaller scale for specific projects and that’s what he envisioned for the NCPTT group as well.

Mr. Smith suggested revisiting the issue with Suzanne Lewis, who has extensive experience with these organizations and expressed strong feelings on how NCPTT should approach the subject during last fall’s board meeting at Yellowstone. Mr. Cordell agreed. They will also verify this information through the appropriate NPS channels.

The group is expected to be in place by the next board meeting.


Chair Bense called the meeting back to order. Dr. Morgan provided an update on the state of matching funds in the current PTT Grants cycle. He said only two of the grants listed matches, but knew of others that had matches that weren’t listed on their application.

Mr. Silman initiated discussion on the Wingspread Conference. The Johnson Foundation is still interested in hosting the meeting for an undetermined date in fall 2008, although no progress has been made since the last board meeting. There is potential to tie the conference into the NPS Centennial.

Discussion centered around a good date for the Conference to be held. Dr. Bense said it would be easier for the academics to get off early in the semester. The week after Labor Day (Sept. 11-13) or the first week in November are possibilities.

The board now needs to draft a formal document to submit to the Foundation detailing the date and names of participants, including a keynote speaker and moderator.

Mr. Smith said NPS has professional moderators and he would explore the possibilities. NCPTT would just have to pay travel expenses. Each session would need a recorder as well.

Members offered several names, which Mr. Silman will compile for further discussion.

Discussion will continue tomorrow on setting a date and possible participants.



Thursday, April 5, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 9:03 a.m. by Chair Bense. Discussion picked up with the Wingspread Conference. Mr. Silman presented a potential program for the event. The program would allow tours of the facility, social hours and development of priorities. Discussion was held with breakout groups and plenary sessions.

Ms. Turner suggested a brief keynote at the beginning of the conference from each discipline to get participants thinking about the full range of issues.

Dr. Preusser expressed concern that individual groups/disciplines working on their own will not see the bigger picture. He said there should be discussion guidelines to keep the participants’ minds open.

Dr. Bense said fully articulating the conference theme would serve this purpose to some extent.

Mr. Silman said the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards should be distributed to the participants. Ms. Turner said a primer on the purpose of the conference, along with the relevant research documents, should be distributed as well.

Mr. Silman’s said his proposed program calls for drafting the conference charter on day two. Mr. Koonce said day one should end with a 30-40 minute plenary summation of the discussions.

Dr. Bense called for early discussion among professionals on a wide range to ensure the concept is fully considered before setting the conference agenda. Ms. Turner agreed, stating professionals should buy-in to the group’s charter.

Mr. Silman said the authority of the group should produce buy-in itself. Additionally, the hope is that the charter would be an amendment to the Secretary’s Standards, which would also lend credibility.

Dr. Preusser said that, even if the Secretary likes the charter, it won’t automatically be put in the charter. It has to go through a review process.

Mr. Smith said William J. Murtagh, the first keeper of the National Register, should be considered as a participant. He has done some outstanding speeches on the subject of the future of sustainability.

Mr. Pahl said the Center could create a web page on the conference with a forum that allows comment from professionals.

Dr. Morgan strongly believes that the development of the conference topic should be transparent to garner support from authoritative professionals, even if they are not invited to participate in the conference itself. The board agreed.

The Center should proceed with development of the web page Mr. Pahl proposed. A public page would be produced and a password-protected page for board members would be created as well.

Mr. Cordell and Mr. Silman agreed that it should be clear the PTT Board will select participants.

Dr. Bense and Dr. Preusser both stressed that individuals should move between interdisciplinary and field-specific groups. Mr. Silman asked how those individuals should be grouped initially.

Mr. Smith shared about an ICCROM group that specializes in shared conservation decisions. They have pioneered interdisciplinary discussion and decision making.

Mr. Cordell interrupted discussion to introduce Steve Horton, dean of the graduate school at Northwestern State University.

Mr. Horton reported that the first group of students in the Masters in Heritage Resources program. The undergraduate program in Heritage Resources program is off the ground as well.

An accreditation board visited the university recently and made a point to visit NCPTT. They were impressed by the Center and the value it added to the university.

Returning to the Wingspread discussion, the PTT Board meeting still needs to be tacked on to the conference. The group may meet at another venue in the area depending on costs and availability of the conference location.

Mr. Silman presented a budget for the conference and asked the board to comment on honoraria for participants. Several board members believed the time investment warrants some kind of compensation. Mr. Pahl said the budget should include the honoraria regardless of whether they are actually given. The budget will include $2,500 for a keynote speaker.

The board reviewed the list of potential participants and speakers suggested at yesterday’s meeting.

Frank Preusser, Bob Silman and Suzanne Turner will form a subcommittee to further discuss potential participants.

Dr. Striegel played additional segments from the cemetery conservation video the Materials Research group recently produced. Dr. Preusser observed the video showed some risk to the stone and its handlers due to the presentation of personal protective equipment and movement of the stone.

Mr. Sean Clifford, NCPTT webmaster, demonstrated the new design of the NCPTT website. A new search engine has an auto-complete feature that makes the search process easier. Pages now load more quickly and eases indexing by commercial search engines like Google. The latest news is now more prominent. A new calendar features all the latest NCPTT training. Several NCPTT-produced videos and podcasts are being made available for download. The grants section has a searchable grants database back to 1994 that is linked to the corresponding grant product on the product catalog page.

The board adjourned and toured the NCPTT’s labs.

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NCPTT - National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
645 University Parkway
Natchitoches, LA 71457

Updated: Monday, October 29, 2007
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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