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LCTS - Office of the Chief

Photo of Markus Heilig 

Markus Heilig, MD, PhD, Chief and Clinical Director
Office of the Chief, LCTS

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

National Institutes of Health

Clinical Research Center
10 Center Drive, Room 10-CRC/1E-5334, MSC: 1108
Bethesda MD 20892-1108

telephone: 301.435.9386


Current staff

Photo of Suzanne Bell


Suzanne Bell
Adminstrative Officer
telephone: 301.496.8186

Suzanne Bell is the Administrative Officer and Lab Manager for the LCTS.


Photo of Dena Stringer


Dena Stringer, BBA 
Clinical Secretary 
telephone: 301.435.9376

Dena Stringer is responsible for administrative support for all of LCTS, including travel, procurement (except lab-procurement), and personnel matters. Dena is also the Assistant to the North American Editor (Dr. Heilig) of Addiction Biology.

Photo of Cathy Little


Catherine Little
IRB Coordinator
telephone: 301.435.3494

Cathy Little shares her time between the office of the Brain IRB and the LCTS, where she provides support for investigators with all protocol-related and other regulatory matters, including credentialling within the Clinical Center.

Robert Rawlings, MA
telephone: 301.451.6968

Bob Rawlings, as the laboratory's statistician, analyzes and interprets data for LCTS.

Photo of Juan Rivas

Juan Rivas
Information Technology Specialist
telephone: 240.388.2986

Juan Rivas provides hardware, security and networking computer support for the laboratory through a contract with Lockheed-Martin.  He also processes accounts, maintains lab servers, and assists with IT purchases.

Photo of Denise Gates-Nee

Denise Gates-Nee
Computer Scientist
telephone: 240.533.5624

Denise Gates-Nee, as part of NIAAA's information technology staff, is one of the main programmers for the LCTS' clinical information system.  Denise also maintains the laboratory's website, processes accounts, and does other computer support for LCTS when needed.

Photo of Karen Smith

Karen Smith, MLS
Informationist/Biomedical Librarian
telephone: 301.594.6273

Karen Smith, an information specialist with the NIH Library, is an onsite liason to the LCTS, providing specialized information services
and training, including literature retrieval, research and manuscript support.  

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