NPS Fire Management Program
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“By forces seemingly antagonistic and destructive Nature accomplishes her beneficent designs — now a flood of fire… again in the fullness of time an outburst of organic life…” John Muir

John of the Mountains, (1938), page 438

Ignition of a prescribed fire.

Fire News
Park fire incident reports.

Firefighter observing prescribed fire in sequoia forest.

Fire Stories
How does the NPS use fire? How does wildland fire impact the national parks? Find these answers and other fire-related stories here.

Link to publications to print on demand.

Publications to Print on Demand
High quality PDF publications that are print ready to explain aspects of the NPS Fire Managment Program including Burned Area Restoration, Benefits of Natural Fire, Wildland Urban Interface, and more...

Fire torching on a mountainside.

Photo Galleries
Find digital images related to wildland fire in the national parks and other areas.

Fire torching on a mountainside.

Photo Contest
Submit photo for competition with the NPS Fire Photo Contest and view archived photo contests.

Fire danger sign.

Understanding Fire
Learn about fire danger, tools for fire suppression, incident management, research, and more.

Wildland fire publications.

On-line wildland fire magazines and articles related to wildland fire.

Fire in the night.

Fireside Chats
Flash presentations about prescribed fire, burned area rehabilitation, Homestead National Monument of America, smoke, and more...

utility links
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