Office of the General Counsel: The Office of General Counsel provides the legal expertise and activity required to conduct hearings and to ensure the legal integrity of Commission products.

Office of Civil Rights Evaluation: The Office of Civil Rights Evaluation provides the subject-matter, critical, and analytical expertise required to research and write evaluations of civil rights issues. The Office monitors the activities of numerous federal agencies as well as national and regional civil rights trends. Based on information gathered, this office develops project proposals, carries out projects, and responds to inquiries from the public and the Commissioners. It also receives, researches, analyzes, and recommends resolutions for civil rights complaints.

Office of Management: The Office of Management provides administrative, library, budget and finance, and human resources development support services for the Commission. This office also manages the Commission's information resources. In addition, in its role as a clearinghouse for information on civil rights, the library responds to requests from the public for copies of Commission publications.

Congressional Affairs Unit: The Congressional Affairs Unit serves as the liaison with Congress, responding to requests for specific information and ensuring the distribution of the Commission's studies and reports to all members. The Unit monitors the legislative activities of Congress and provides support in the conceptualization and production of studies and reports with information gathered via their monitoring activities.

Public Affairs Unit: The Public Affairs Unit serves as the public voice of the Commission and ensures that the activities and the publications of the Commission are known to the American public. The Unit coordinates and carries out such activities as briefing reporters and the Commissioners on civil rights issues, holding press conferences, issuing press releases, arranging interviews with the Commissioners, and monitoring press activity regarding the Commission and civil rights issues. The Unit deals directly with the public in responding to inquiries and by attending meetings of civil rights organizations as speakers.

Regional Programs Coordination Unit: The Regional Programs Coordination Unit ensures that the individual regional programs are sufficiently coordinated across regions and with headquarters. The Unit ensures that headquarters support and guidance are provided as necessary. The Unit provides support in the finalization and publication of headquarters-developed and regional reports and studies, as well as in the announcement of hearings.

Regional Offices: The six Regional Offices are staffed by a director, civil rights analysts, and other administrative personnel. They coordinate the Commission's operations in their regions and assist the State Advisory Committees in their activities.