Copyright © 2007 Silmaril Consultants
Rev: 2007-08-09T23:00:48+0100

Welcome to the XML FAQ

This is the list of Frequently-Asked Questions about the Extensible Markup Language (XML). It has answers to most of the common questions people ask about XML. If you are seeking answers to questions about related areas such as HTML, SGML, CGI scripts, PHP, JSP, Java, databases, or penguins, you may find some pointers, but you should probably look elsewhere as well.

The FAQ is intended as a first resource for users, authors, developers, and the interested reader. Details of its organisation, contributors, availability, translations, and revisions are in the Admin section. Updates to the FAQ are notified to the mailing lists and newsgroups listed in question A.12, ‘Where can I discuss implementation and development of XML?’.

The full document is available for download in many different formats: see the page ‘Availability’ for a list.


Seán McGrath suggested: ‘It would be great if FAQs had a WTF section to direct the eyes of the exasperated to Q's with a high desperation index :-)’, so here are the top dozen most-wanted:

Earlier links

If you are following links from earlier versions of the FAQ, they should be resolved to questions here. Please check the Address box at the top of your browser window for the ID reference after the # sign at the end of the URI. Please update your link to the new page address.

Old ID References New links
attriborelem Which should I use in my DTD, attributes or elements?
db How do I get XML into or out of my database?
documentElement .documentElement Can a root element type be explicitly declared in the DTD?
dtdconv I've already got SGML DTDs: how do I convert them for use with XML?
edi What's the story on XML and EDI?
exec How do I execute or run an XML file?
FAQ-ACRO, acro What is XML?
FAQ-API, api, dom What's my information? DATA or TEXT?
FAQ-AUTHOR, Author Authors (including writers of HTML and Web page owners)
FAQ-BROWSER, browser Where can I get an XML browser?
FAQ-CASE, case Which parts of an XML document are case-sensitive?
FAQ-CHARENTS, charents Can XML use non-Latin characters?
FAQ-CSINCLUDES, csincludes Can I (and my authors) still use client-side inclusions?
FAQ-DEF, def What is XML for (aka ‘Where should I use XML’)?
FAQ-DEVELOPER, Developer Developers and Implementors (including WebMasters and server operators)
FAQ-DOCTYPE, doctype What's a Document Type Definition (DTD) and where do I get one?
FAQ-DTD, dtd What else has changed between SGML and XML?
FAQ-EXIST, exist How can I make my existing HTML files work in XML?
FAQ-EXTEND, extend Why not just carry on extending HTML?
FAQ-FORM, app Appendices
FAQ-GENERAL, General Basics: general information about XML
FAQ-GRAPH, graph How do I use graphics in XML?
FAQ-HOWTO, FAQ-MORE, more Where do I find more information about XML?
FAQ-HTML, html What is HTML?
FAQ-HYPERTEXT, hypertext How will XML affect my document links?
FAQ-IMPORT, import Why is XML such an important development?
FAQ-JAVA, java Can I use JavaScript, ActiveX, etc in XML files?
FAQ-LEARN, learn I'm used to authoring and serving HTML. Can I learn XML easily?
FAQ-MAILINGLIST, mailinglist Where can I discuss implementation and development of XML?
FAQ-MATH, math Can I encode mathematics using XML?
FAQ-META, metadata How does XML handle metadata?
FAQ-OWNS, owns Who is responsible for XML?
FAQ-REPLACE, replace Does XML replace HTML?
FAQ-SAME, same Aren't XML, SGML, and HTML all the same thing?
FAQ-SGML, sgml What is SGML?
FAQ-SPACE, space How does XML handle white-space in my documents?
FAQ-SPEC, spec Where's the spec?
FAQ-SSINCLUDES, ssincludes Can I still use server-side inclusions?
FAQ-STYLE, style How do I control formatting and appearance?
FAQ-SUBSET, subset If XML is just a subset of SGML, can I use XML files directly with existing SGML tools?
FAQ-SWCHX, mime Do I have to change any of my server software to work with XML?
FAQ-SWITCH, switch Do I have to switch from SGML or HTML to XML?
FAQ-TERMS, terms I'm trying to understand the XML Spec: why does it have such difficult terminology?
FAQ-USER, User Existing users (including everyone who uses a browser)
FAQ-USEXML, usexml What do I have to do to use XML?
FAQ-VALIDWF, validwf What are these terms DTDless, valid, and well-formed?
FAQ-WORD, word Why should I use XML? (aka ‘What is XML for?)’
FAQ-XMLDOC, xmldoc What does an XML document actually look like (inside)?
FAQ-XMLOFFER, xmloffer Should I use XML instead of HTML?
FAQ-XMLSOFT, xmlsoft What XML software is available?
htmlxml Is there an XML version of HTML?
includes How do I include one DTD (or fragment) in another?
java-gen Can I use Java to create or manage XML files?
langs javascript cobol pl/1 pl/i pascal perl python ruby tcl/tk ppl differences What is the difference between XML and C or C++ or Java?
makeup Does XML let me make up my own tags?
namespaces What's a namespace?
owndtd How do I write my own DTD?
prelearn Do I have to know HTML or SGML before I learn XML?
schemata dtds xsds differences I keep hearing about alternatives to DTDs. What's a Schema?
test Is there a conformance test suite for XML processors?