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Traditional FERC Process
  1. Receives formal application from Applicant
  2. Notice of Application Issued
  3. Conduct Scoping to Determine Environmental Issues
  4. Review Application and Issue Data Request(s) if Needed
  5. Commission May Issue Preliminary Determination of Need Bassed on Non-environmental Factors

  EIS   EA
6. Provides Preliminary Draft EIS to Cooperating Agencies for Review. 6. Provides Preliminary Draft EIS to Cooperating Agencies for Review.
7. Issues Draft EIS and Opens Comment Period. 7. Issues EA and Opens Comment Period.
8. Holds Meeting(s) in the Project Area to Hear Public Comments on the Draft EIS. 8. Responds to Comments Received on EA in Commission Order.
9. Responds to Comments and Revises the Draft EIS. 9. FERC approves or denies project.
10. Issues Final EIS. 10. Commission Issues Order Approving of Denying Project.
11. Commission Issues Order Approving of Denying Project.    
  If the project is approved   If the project is denied
12. If the Project is Approved, Applicant May Construct and Operate the Project, Only After Obtaining Clean Water Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, and Clean Air Act Permits. 11. If the project is denied, Applicant and/or Public can ask FERC to Rehear Case or Refer to FERC Administrative Law Judge.
    12. Applicant and/or Parties can take FERC to Court.

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