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Read each statement and indicate whether you think it is true or false. Once you make a selection, a note will appear.
Given two qualified job applicants, employers will usually hire a veteran over a nonveteran.
False: Some employers believe myths like veterans are not profit oriented, can’t take responsibility, etc. Veterans do not have job preference in civilian employment, an employer will hire the most qualified, or the person that best fits the position.
Many employers believe that members of the military do not work hard.
True: The Gomer Pyle and Beetle Bailey image of the military goofing off is common among employers and civilian supervisors.
Most employers have had enough military experience to be able to understand military language.
False: Most civilians, particularly those under forty, have had little or no experience with the military. Those who have been exposed to military language no longer use it and may resent your using it.
Most employers are skilled at selecting new employees.
False: Many people who are responsible for hiring are inexperienced at interviewing. The TAP Workshop will help you develop interview skills that can win you points in a job interview.
You may have to overcome an employer’s negative reaction to veterans in order to get a job.
True: The TAP Workshop will give you some tips for selling yourself that will help break down some negative stereotypes and highlight the positive aspects about being a veteran.
The same job you had in the service will pay up to twice as much in private industry.
False: The gross salary in a civilian job will often be somewhat lower due to changing career fields and, often it will be reduced by deductions for insurance, retirement and local taxes. In this TAP Workshop you will learn how to research salary ranges. If you are in a technical job that matches a civilian occupation, you may hear industry recruiters or employees make civilian employment sound better than it really is.
Military skills transfer to civilian jobs without additional training.
False: Most civilian employers will require additional training; in some cases, formal classes will be needed, but usually on-the-job will do. The TAP Workshop will help you develop skills to sell yourself — not just your skills.
Senior NCOs and officers can expect to qualify for management positions based on their military experience.
True and False: While leadership positions in the military provide some of the management skills required in civilian jobs, many employers will not understand the similarities. The TAP Workshop will help you explain to employers how your military skills transfer to civilian jobs.
Civilian employers believe that members of the military do not deal with profit and loss.
True: Most employers do not understand that military personnel must deal with budget limits just as civilians do.
Civilian life style is pretty much like peacetime military life style, so little adjustment should be necessary.
False: Your day-to-day life will be quite different as a civilian, regardless of how civilianized you tried to remain while in the military. The TAP Workshop explores some of the differences.
Military retirees require lower wages than civilians because of their retirement income and benefits.
True: This may be true, and therefore many employers offer lower pay as a result.
The higher your military rank the more respect you will receive from civilians when you leave the service.
False: In fact, you will probably meet civilians who resent your rank. You will definitely have to get used to more informal interactions at work, like being called by your first name.
After military service, you may have to take a lower level job than someone your age who has not been in the service.
True: Your school classmates who have been working in civilian jobs while you served in the armed forces may have built experience and seniority that you will have to earn. Your military skills may help offset at least part of this disadvantage.
In a job interview, you should always address the interviewer as “sir” or “ma’am” just as you do in the military.
False: Although you should show respect, overuse of formal titles is inappropriate in the civilian work world. In this workshop we will discuss proper forms of address.
There are many places you can go to get help in your transition to civilian life.
True: Most people do not know where they can go to get help with their transition. In this website we will review the sources of assistance to you.
You need to have a college degree for most well-paying jobs.
False: Many technical and crafts positions pay more than white-collar jobs. The more training and experience and certification you have, the more likely you are to qualify for a job that pays well. However, a degree is always desirable.
The Department of Veterans Affairs pays for medical treatment for all veterans.
False: Medical care is provided only to a limited number of veterans. In this TAP Workshop, we will cover the benefits available to veterans.
Ten hours per week can be considered a full-time job search after you leave the service.
False: A job search, like any full-time job, requires 30 to 40 hours per week.
Getting together the necessary records and information at the beginning of the job search will save time later.
True: Having all of the documents you need is essential to a good job search. The TAP Workshop will show you what information you will need.
Setting goals too soon before leaving the military might limit future possibilities.
False: Goals can be changed, but if you don’t have a starting point set, you have nothing to change. As they say, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you are likely to wind up someplace else.”
Incomplete application forms will not be seriously considered by a prospective employer.
True: They have too many complete and well-written applications to bother with poor ones. Application forms are used to screen people out, not in.
A good resume can get you a job.
False: A good resume might get you an interview, but you have to sell yourself in the interview to get a job.
There is really no way to prepare for job interviews because they are all different.
False: You can greatly improve your chances of success in an interview by learning how to prepare and practice.
The way you look and dress is very important to a job interviewee
True: Many qualified applicants do not get a job because of their appearance. In the TAP Workshop we will discuss clothing, grooming and attitudes that will help you create a good impression in a job interview.
If it helps you to relax, it is "OK" to smoke during a job interview.
False: Even if the interviewer says you may smoke, it is not a good idea to do so during an interview.
If you get turned down for a job for which you are qualified, it is usually your own fault.
False: When you are turned down for a job you should not take it as a personal rejection. The reason that you were turned down may, in fact, not have anything to do with you.
Veterans must build a network of job contacts as part of their job search.
True: Non-veterans have had time to build such a network that helps them in finding a job. You must work at establishing a network.
Collecting unemployment compensation can hurt your pride and self-respect.
True: Many people feel a sense of defeat because they must depend on unemployment insurance in place of a regular job. The TAP Workshop can help you shorten the length of time you are unemployed.
Change in life-style always causes stress in human beings.
True: Studies show this to be true even if the individual sees the change as positive; it can still cause stress.
You can automatically enlist in the reserves after your release from active duty.
True: You may have to select a new MOS, but you can automatically enlist in the reserves.
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