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This section includes general information on emergency situations, regulations, calling from overseas, and the country clearance process. Other sections contain more specific information on preparing yourself or others for international travel, arranging airline tickets, completing travel vouchers for reimbursement and other details. There are separate sections for both FSIP and METI/IP staff, as well as information for IP staff arranging travel for FS staff from the field, or for partners who are not US Government employees. Travel procedures are complex, so work with your supervisor to ensure a smooth, hassle-free process.

General Information

Click here to access the traveler's cheat sheet, which includes: 24-hour emergency numbers, calling instructions from overseas, and general and forestry conversions.

Book reservations through the Travel Management Center (TMC) at 1-800-585-2232.

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Travel Health

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Travel Safety

  • 24-hour emergency number
  • Medivac information
    • USG employees --While in country, a Memorandum of Understanding between USDA and the Department of State covers medivac services as well as hospital and physician services in country. Click here for the full text of the Memorandum. In any medical emergency, contact the Embassy health unit. The unit can advise you on hospital and physician referrals in a non-emergency situation.

    • METI employees -- Click here for the international traveler's overview for contractors.

    • Other travelers -- If you are not a government employee or a METI contractor, you are encouraged to get a private traveler's insurance and evacuation services.

      The links below are for contractors who are not covered by Memorandum of Understanding and wish to know how to receive private medical insurance for hospital, physician, or evacuation services.
      - International Medical Group
      - Medibroker
      - Medex
      - Specialty Risk International

  • State Department information
    • "A Safe Trip Abroad" - General informational and tips on how to be risk averse and safe while traveling abroad
    • Consular Information Sheets link - Up-to-date information of the location of the U.S. embassy or consulate in the subject country, unusual immigration practices, health conditions, minor political disturbances, unusual currency and entry regulations, crime and security information, and drug penalties
    • Travel Warnings - A list of countries recommended by the state department to avoid when traveling.
    • Carjacking Warning Information link - Tips and information on how to prevent your car from being hijacked and stolen.
  • Forest Service safety documents and links
    • Safety and Security Awareness Tips for Personal Security 2005 - A document with useful tips on safety and security during travel with sections on pre-departure and while in transit. Lists what kind of documents to have on hand such as copies of your visa and passport, pedestrian safety and packing tips for security.
    • SH 6709.11 Health and Safety Code Handbook link: - This link has the Agency's complete handbook on health and safety procedures, however it is unwieldy and difficult to navigate.
    • Aviation link: FSM 5700 Aviation Management manual section - When flying aircraft that are not regularly scheduled commercial carriers, you should be guided by the specific information provided in this link which includes FSM 5713.52 - Unplanned Flights. Every employee has the right to refuse to fly on an aircraft if an unsafe situation exists. If you feel uncomfortable about the aircraft, the flight crew or the situation, then you should not board the aircraft.

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FS-IP staff traveling domestically?
  1. Pre-travel

    Travel Authorizations

    FS-IP staff should be put on the office blanket domestic travel authorization. Talk to your supervisor and/or Jannelle Starks to make sure you are listed on this authorization and to get the number. Because of this blanket authorization, FS-IP staff DO NOT need to fill out travel authorization (TA) forms to ASC. The blanket TA# is necessary for finalizing/purchasing travel arrangements through FedTraveler/Manassas Travel.

    If your lodging exceeds per diem, check block 15 on your travel voucher. This process will authorize the higher rate.

    Hints: You can reserve flight arrangements with FedTraveler before getting the TA# back from ASC. However, they will not actually purchase the ticket until you call them back and provide them the TA#.

  2. During travel
  3. Post travel

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FS-IP staff traveling internationally?
  1. Pre-travel
  2. During travel
    • Calling during international travel: policies and procedures

    If you have international calling privileges on your government provided MCI Worldcom card, check here for international access calling codes for calls you dial from the country(s) you are visiting.

    When placing a call from overseas, dial 01 as the country code for US.

    China: has its own standard numbering system, only they use three digits as the International calling code. Use 0-0-1 as the country code for calling US from China.

    Other: Most countries in the world will follow one of these two standards for making calls from abroad to the US.

    • Connecting to your Lotus Notes
  3. Post travel

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METI staff traveling ?

Click here to access the traveler's cheat sheet, which includes: 24-hour emergency numbers, calling instructions from overseas, and general and forestry conversions.

Click here to access the international traveler's overview letter.


  1. Initiating travel
  2. Travel FAQ -- this document answers question on visas, airline tickets, reimbursements, etc.
  3. Cell and Satellite Phones
  4. 24 hour phone line of embassies and consular offices
  5. Clearances
  6. Traveling with a Forest Service laptop?
  7. Do you need to Dial-up, go Wireless and/or access VPN?

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Arranging someone else's travel?

Non-Forest Service, USG employees can be handled in 2 ways.

Click here for a checklist to help you arrange someone else's travel.

  1. One option is to do an interagency agreement with them, and letting them use their own travel system. Given the complexities of the new IWEB/Grants & Agreements process, this is probably only suggested if there will be many different travelers/trips.
  2. The other option for non-FS USG employees is to handle them exactly the same as non-goverment travelers.

    To get a travel authorization for a non-government employee, you must submit the following forms: 6500-2 (Request for Travel Authorization) and Non-Government Traveler Justification Form. Submit these electronically to ASC at tdy@fs.fed.us.

Country clearance procedures for US citizens representing the USG are the same as for USFS employees (send completed 6500-1 and any required visa paperwork to Sandy Farber). Alternatively, government employees from other USG agencies can arrange their own country clearances through their agencies international procedures.

If the traveler is not representing the USG, and instead is just being funded to attend a meeting for their own organization, they can travel on their personal passport, and make their own visa arrangements, claiming any visa costs as “misc. expenses” on their travel voucher. Note that if they do this, they do not get the support as a USG representative from the embassy while traveling.

In order to make reservations for them through FedTraveler, you will also need to call Shai Martinez at ASC (505-563-7243) and request that an “invitational traveler profile” be set up. He will take the travelers personal info and set up the profile after about 24 hours, at which point you can call in and make reservations for them, specifying to the travel agent that this is “invitational travel”.

Hosting international visitors?
If you would like to request debit/credit cards for your international visitors, click here.


  1. Forest Service units as host
  2. Non-Forest Service units as host

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