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Financial Institution Conversion

Each Financial Institution will have one primary contact for the TGAnet conversion process. The Treasury OTC Support Center will initiate first contact as Agency TGA account holders are identified. At this point, the primary contact will be requested to help complete the three step process below.

  1. Data Collection: Complete the "Conversion Packet " attachment and e-mail it to Complete the "Authorization Forms" attachment and mail the signed originals to the appropriate address at the bottom of the form.

    Conversion Packet MS Word file (26 kb)

    Authorization Forms:MS Word file

      FRB User Authorization Form (51 kb)

      Primary Local Security Administrator (PLSA) Authorization Form (47 kb)

      User Authorization Form (50 kb)

    Prior to conversion, your conversion liaison will be contacted by an Agency account representative. Please supply this customer with the correct RTN-DDA numbers to set up their agency endpoint in TGAnet.

  2. FI Setup: Once the conversion information from step one is received and verified, the Treasury OTC Support Center will work with your conversion liaison to set up your FI in TGAnet. Click FI Setup Procedure to learn more.

  3. Conversion: The Treasury OTC Support Center will provide your conversion liaison with standard communications to help contact, train and convert your FI locations.

   Last Updated:  Friday December 19, 2008

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