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Agent Name Zinc
CAS Number 7440-66-6
Formula Zn
Major Category Metals
Synonyms Asarco L 15; Blue powder; Emanay zinc dust; Granular zinc; Jasad; LS 2; LS 6; Lead refinery vacuum zinc; Merrillite; Rheinzink; Zinc; Zinc dust; Zinc powder; [ChemIDplus] UN1436
Category Elements, Metallic
Description Gray powder; [CAMEO]
Sources/Uses Used in galvanizing and alloying; Also used in dry cell batteries and in organic chemistry, bronze deoxidizing, gold extracting, fat purifying, and bone bleaching; An essential dietary mineral; [Merck Index] Zinc dust is used as a pigment in rust-resistant coatings. Also used as a reducing agent, an additive to plastics and lubricants, a purification agent in electrolytic zinc plants, and a component of primary batteries and abrasives; it is used in spray metallizing and mechanical plating. [CHEMINFO]
Comments Produces flammable hydrogen when in contact with moisture; [CAMEO] Zinc powder or dust are usually coated with zinc carbonate to reduce the risk of spontaneous combustion. Zinc dust is not known to be harmful after inhalation or contact with the skin or eyes. [CHEMINFO] Zinc is a "hepatotoxic agent." [Zimmerman, p. 4] See "Zinc oxide."
Exposure Assessment
Explanatory Notes Melting point = 787 degrees F; VP = practically zero; [CHEMINFO]
Adverse Effects
Hepatotoxin Hepatotoxin, Secondary
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: ZINC, ELEMENTAL  
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Related Information in Haz-Map
Diseases Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:
Processes Industrial Processes with risk of exposure:

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Last updated: September, 2008