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Agent Name Fluorosilicic acid
Alternative Name Fluosilicic acid
CAS Number 16961-83-4
Formula F6-Si.2H
Major Category Other Chemicals
Synonyms Dihydrogen hexafluorosilicate; Fluorosilicic acid; Fluosilicic acid; Fluosilicic acid, 25 wt % aqueous solution; Hexafluorosilicic acid; Hexafluorosilicate(2-), dihydrogen; Hexafluosilicic acid; Hydrofluorosilicic acid; Hydrofluosilic acid; Hydrofluosilicic acid; Hydrosilicofluoric acid; Sand acid; Silicate(2-), hexafluoro-, dihydrogen; Silicofluoric acid; [ChemFinder]
Category Halogens, Inorganic Compounds
Description Colorless liquid with a sour, pungent odor; [HSDB]
Sources/Uses Used as a chemical intermediate, a disinfectant, a water fluoridating agent, a wood preservative, a masonry and ceramic hardener, and a glass additive; it is also used to treat hides and skins, to electroplate chromium, and to electrolytically refine lead; [HSDB]
Comments Corrosive to skin; [Quick CPC] High inhalation exposure may cause pulmonary edema; fluorosis may result from long-term exposure; [ICSC]
Reference Link HSDB
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Not evaluated
Reference Link International Chemical Safety Cards (WHO/IPCS/ILO)
Adverse Effects
Toxic Pneumonitis Yes
Dermatotoxin Skin Burns
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: FLUOSILICIC ACID  
Toxicity Information Search TOXNET
Chemical Information Search ChemIDplus
Related Information in Haz-Map
Diseases Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:
Processes Industrial Processes with risk of exposure:

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Last updated: September, 2008