Explore Geology

Park Maps

Example of a general park map

General Park Map

General Park Maps
Most people are familiar with this type of map, these maps usually show roads, towns and cities, rivers and lakes, campgrounds and visitors centers, as well as State and local boundaries. Whenever you visit a National Park you receive a general map of that park in the park brochure. To request a printed park brochure/map, e-mail Frances Cherry, NPS Office of Information, at (NPS e-mail format): firstname_lastname@nps.gov. Be sure to include your address and postal code with the request. You can also contact the National Park Service, Office of Information, Room 1013, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20240; phone 202-208-4747. To find digital park maps visit http://www.nps.gov/carto/index.htm

Example of a topographic map

Topographic Map

Topographic Maps
Topographic maps use contour lines to depict elevation in addition to most of the things shown on general maps. These maps are true to scale and can be used to calculate distance, slope, and position. Topographic maps are essential to off road navigating and are often used by back country explorers. To find topographic maps visit the USGS web site.

Example of a geologic map

Geologic Map

Geologic Maps
Geologists make and use special maps that show and identify the rocks at and beneath the surface of the earth. These geologic maps are important for deciding where to build trails and buildings and for a wide range of natural resource management applications. Digital geologic maps in conjunction with other spatial data can be useful for problem solving in geographic information systems.

To find published geologic maps, data, and related products from 300+ publishers search the USGS National Geologic Map Database at http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/.

Example of a digital geologic map

Digital Geologic Data

Digital Geologic Data
Digital geologic data allows natural resource managers and staff to more easily evaluate potential connections between geology and other ecosystem components. Such data is also more easily incorporated into planning when it is available digitally through geographic information systems (GIS.)

To find digital geologic maps of National Park areas visit http://science.nature.nps.gov/nrftp or search the nps data clearing house at http://www.nps.gov/gis/data_info/

To learn more about the geologic inventory going on in parks visit the Inventory page on this site.

updated on 06/20/2007  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/geology/maps/index.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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