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The Asthma and Allergy Support Center (AASC)

The Asthma and Allergy Support Center (AASC) is a private, secure, and password-protected Web site service. It facilitates the partnership of physicians and their asthma patients in managing asthma and severe, complicating allergies, preventing flare-ups, and improving quality of life. Its ultimate goal is the prevention of disease progression by way of creating a unique and sustainable physician-patient care relationship. The AASC service is being piloted with asthma-specialist physicians and their selected patients in five regions in the US. It is offered at no charge. Patients with asthma enrolled by their physicians enter information in a daily diary on personal Home Pages within the secure patient-physician AASC Web site. The site enables physicians to monitor lung function, symptoms, and medications of each moderate-severe patient with asthma. The patient can log in anytime, anywhere, with Internet access. Initial results indicate that this is an effective and efficient mechanism to bring a continuum of care and support to patients with this chronic disease. It fosters a new communication and monitoring system and has demonstrated that early interventions have prevented impeding attacks. In addition, patients demonstrate a better understanding of their asthma, along with better management of their medications and vastly improved self-management. Improved daily activity and quality of life have also been identified.


Contact Information

Schering/Key Pharmaceutical
2434 West Peakview Court
Littleton, CO 80120
Contact: Maura Zazenski, Field Operations Manager
Phone: (800) 554-5420 x9793
Fax: (303) 609-0420
E-mail: maura.zazenski@spcorp.com
Web site: http://www.asthmasupportcenter.com


[ Technology Games Participants ]

Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium          January 24-28, 2000         Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

Updated: 05/19/08