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Technology Games Entry

On Your Own: Exploring Healthy Living Through Nutrition and Physical Activity

On Your Own: Exploring Healthy Living Through Nutrition and Physical Activity is an interactive CD-ROM for high school students. Users participate in two days in a typical teen's life, one a school day and one on a weekend. School "classes" examine low-fat food preparation, the link between nutrition and disease, the importance of fiber and water, and the impact of advertising. Savvy shopping and healthy strategies for eating in fast food restaurants are addressed. Throughout the program, students make food and physical activity choices and receive feedback about the health consequences of their choices. The program will be available in both PC and Macintosh formats. Program development was funded by the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.


Contact Information

Health and Education Communication Consultants
17 Village Square
New Hope, PA 18938
Contact: Donna Lloyd-Kolkin, Ph.D., Partner
Phone: (215) 862-5480
Fax: (215) 862-5618
E-mail: lkdonna@pil.net
Web site:


[ Technology Games Participants ]

Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium          January 24-28, 2000         Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

Updated: 05/01/08