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Technology Games Entry

Watch, Discover, Think, and Act: An Asthma Management Simulation for Children

Watch, Discover, Think, and Act: An Asthma Management Simulation for Children, was developed by Macro International with CHPRD/UTHHSC for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health. This CD-ROM product contains a graphics-rich adventure simulation in which a child makes choices to manage the asthma of a selected character. The program's theme is that asthma can be controlled effectively with proper self-management. There are two aspects to self-management.  First, the special knowledge and skills needed for asthma control and second, knowing when to apply the knowledge and skills. To self-manage asthma effectively, it is essential to Watch, Discover, Think, and Act. This message, and how to carry out each of these actions, is reinforced throughout the program. Children learn to solve problems at home, at school, and in the community. If they successfully complete these three levels, they are sent on a mission to Dr. Foulair's castle. There, they use tools gathered in the previous levels to recover the stolen plans that will make the city's air cleaner.


Contact Information

Macro International, Inc.
11785 Beltsville Drive
Calverton, MD 20705
Contact: Jim Craver, Technical Director
Phone: (301) 572-0927
Fax: (301) 572-0988
E-mail: jcraver@macroint.com
Web site:


[ Technology Games Participants ]

Updated: 05/01/08