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Table of Contents of
Obsolete American Securities and Corporations

compiled by
R.M. Smythe

© 1904-1911 R.M. Smythe

Reproduced 2001 with permission of the publisher

  Sources cited   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog



PAGE Introduction 5 EXPLANATORY NOTES Comparative Value of Obsolete Securities 9 Are They used as Assets for Bankrupts? 9 Who Buy Obsolete Securities? 10 Void or Repealed Charters 11 Liability of Stockholders and Directors 12 Foreclosures 13 Values after Foreclosure 14 How First Mortgage Bonds are Wiped Out 15 Repudiated State and Municipal Bonds 16 Alabama Repudiated Bonds 18 Tennessee Repudiated Bonds 19 Arkansas Repudiated Bonds 19 Florida Repudiated Bonds 19 Georgia Repudiated Bonds 20 Louisiana Repudiated Bonds 21 Michigan and Minnesota Repudiated Bonds 21 Mississippi Repudiated Bonds 21 Missouri War Claim Certificates 22 North Carolina Repudiated Bonds 23 South Carolina Repudiated Bonds 28 Virginia and West Virginia Repudiated Bonds 23 Old Cuban Bonds 24 Mexican Repudiated Bonds 26 Old Bank Stocks, Notes and Miscellaneous Currency 27 Old Insurance Stocks 28 Obsolete Western Farm Mortgage, Land Investment and Irrigation Companies 28 Duplicate Names 29 Sources of Information about Old Corporations 29 OBSOLETE LIST List of 25,000 Obsolete Corporations and Securities. Values indicated when any 84 MERGED LIST List of Corporations succeeded by other companies, with name of succeeding company 752 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN VOL. I 1904 Cuban Bond of 1869 Frontispiece Alabama Railroad Aid Bond. Selina & Gulf R. R. 18 Reverse of same bond 19 Georgia Gold Bond 20 Missouri War Claim Certificate 22 Virginia Bond of 1882. Forged Signatures 24 Mexican Woodhouse Bond 96 Railroad Currency, Bank Notes & Virginia Confederate Treas- ury Notes 28 Arkansas, " Holford," Bond Repudiated 76 Cuban Bond of 1872 218 Louisiana R. R. Aid Bond 414 Mississippi Planters Bank Bond 468 North Carolina Special Tax Bond 538 Ohio Life Insurance & Trust Company Coupon Stock 550 South Carolina Bond. Conversion of State Securities 650 Tennessee Bond. Isham Harris Confederate Issue 679 Topeka Kansas Bond 688 West Virginia Deferred Certificate 716 Wabash & Erie Canal Stock. State of Indiana 718


PAGE Introduction v Circulation of Volume I xi Contents xv List of Illustrations xiv Mining Record Key xvi Our Advertisers xix Number of Companies defunct each year xx Approximate number in each State and Territory xxii Visionary and Fraudulent Schemes xxvi Pennsylvania Oil Stocks of 1865 xxviii Fraudulent Multiplication of Oil Well Companies xxxii Raised Certificates of Stock xxxiii Fraud Orders xxxiv Repudiated Notes and Bonds in the United States 1 (1) Continental Notes 1 (2) Arkansas Bonds 1 (3) Colorado Bonds 2 (4) Kansas Territorial Bonds 3 (5) Mississippi Bonds 6 (6) North Carolina Bonds 6-8 (7) Confederate Bonds 8 Unclaimed Funds 9 Decree Values of Bonds from Foreclosure 12 South American Bonds 24 (1) Argentine 24 (2) Colombia 24 (3) Ecuador 25 (4) Paraguay 25 (5) Uruguay 25 (6) Venezuela 25 Central American Bonds 26 (1) Costa Rica 26 (2) Guatemala 26 (3) Nicaragua 26 (4) Poyais 26 West Indian Bonds 28 Santo Domingo 28 The Obsolete List 29 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN VOL. 2 1911 American-English-French Mining Stock of 1850 xxxv Arkansas Bond non-Holford. No. 2034. Valid until 1901. Not collectible xxxvi Arkansas Levee Bond. Repudiated . xxxvii Bank of Pensacola, Fla. Guaranteed by Florida. Repudi- ated . xxxviii Cairo City Property Bond. Wiped out by foreclosure of 1876 xxxix Cass County Bond, Missouri. Repudiated . xl Colombia, Republic of. Partly settled. Ecuador's share unpaid xli Florida Six Per Cent. Stock. Repudiated . xlii Kansas Territory Bond. See Notes on Kansas . xliii Mexican Five Per Cent. Repudiated xliv Missouri Twenty Dollar Bank Note. (Interest 10 per cent.) Not collectible xlv New Providence Township, N. J. Defaulted xlvi North Carolina Cotton Certificate. Confederate issue. See Notes xlvii North Carolina Penitentiary Bond. See Notes iii Poyais Loan. Central America. See Notes . xlvii South Carolina Consolidation Bond. Repudiated liii South Carolina Revenue Bond Scrip. Not collectible . xlix Venezuela, Republic of. 3 per cent. Bond. See Notes . l Visionary or Fraudulent Schemes liv

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