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Natural Resources Conservation Service
Historic Preservation Program

Federal Preservation Officer
Cultural Resource Management: Policy and Regulations
Section 106 Notes
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Federal Preservation Officer

Sarah T. Bridges
Federal Preservation Offficer
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Room 6163-S
P.O. Box 2890
Washington, DC 20013-2890
Telephone: (202) 720-4912
Fax: (202) 720-1814

Cultural Resource Management: Policy and Regulations

For historic preservation policy and procedures, see the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) General Manual 420, Part 401, "Cultural Resources (Archeological and Historic Properties)," as well as the NRCS Resources Handbook 420, Part 601, Subpart C, "Procedures for Complying with Section 106."

For information on all of NRCS's Conservation Programs, visit the Conservation Programs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). While there are a variety of USDA programs available to assist people with their conservation needs, the assistance programs listed at the link above are the principal programs available. Locally led conservation groups are encouraged to contact NRCS State Offices for more specific information.

Section 106 Notes

View Programmatic Agreement

Programmatic Agreement Among the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers Relative to: Conservation Assistance

This nationwide agreement, which was executed May 31, 2002, allows NCRS State offices, federally recognized Indian tribes, and State Historic Preservation Officers to streamline review of individual resource conservation activities.

Because many resource conservation needs are unique to a particular State or region, the agreement establishes broad standards and procedures that enable parties to tailor their own agreements to local resource conservation needs. This flexibility allows parties to focus on NRCS activities that have the greatest potential to affect historic properties. Activities that have the least potential to affect historic properties will no longer be subject to the formal Federal historic preservation review process.

NRCS and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) also signed the agreement, which was developed by ACHP, NRCS, and a committee of State Historic Preservation Officers representing NCSHPO. NRCS also solicited comments from the 572 federally recognized Indian tribes through direct nation-to-nation communication and through NRCS’ State and Regional Tribal Liaisons, American Indian and Native Alaskan Employees Association, and American Indian Program Manager. Also consulted were the Inter-Tribal Agriculture Council and the Southwest Indian Agricultural Association.

Agency Link

Natural Resources Conservation Service

Updated March 24, 2006

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