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Agent Name Mercuric chloride
CAS Number 7487-94-7
Formula Hg-Cl2
Major Category Metals
Synonyms Abavit B; Bichloride of mercury; Bichlorure de mercure [French]; Calo-Clor; Calochlor; Calocure; Chlorid rtutnaty [Czech] Chlorure mercurique [French]; Chlorure mercurique [ISO-French]; Cloruro di mercurio [Italian]; Corrosive mercury chloride; Corrosive sublimate; Dichloromercury; Fungchex; Hydraargyrum bichloratum; Mercuric bichloride; Mercury bichloride; Mercury chloride (HgCl2) Mercury dichloride; Mercury perchloride; Mercury(2+) chloride; Mercury(II) chloride; Perchloride of mercury; Quecksilber chlorid [German]; Sublimat [Czech]; Sublimate; Sulem; Sulema [Russian]; UN1624; [ChemIDplus]
Category Metals, Inorganic Compounds
Description White solid; [CHRIS]
Sources/Uses Used as an antiseptic, disinfectant, veterinarian medication, and dry battery electrolyte; Used to stain and preserve wood, embalm tissues, develop photos, print fabrics, tan leather, treat furs, electroplate aluminum, etch steel, and separate gold from lead; Used in the past as an insecticide/fungicide and a catalyst to produce vinyl chloride; [HSDB] Used in photography (platinum toner and intensifier); []
Comments Corrosive to skin; [Quick CPC] Highly toxic by ingestion; Lethal dose for inorganic mercury salts is about 1 gram; A skin and eye irritant; [CHEMINFO MSDS] See "Mercury, inorganic compounds."
Exposure Assessment
BEI Total inorganic mercury in urine = 35 ug/g creatinine, sample prior to shift; Total inorganic mercury in blood = 15 ug/L, sample end of shift at end of workweek
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Yes
TLV (ACGIH) 0.02 mg/m3, as Hg
PEL (OSHA) Ceiling(OSHA) = 0.1 mg/m3, as Hg
MAK 0.1 mg/m3, as Hg
Lethal Concentration LCLo (mice) = 300 mg/m3/10 min
Explanatory Notes VP = 1 mm Hg @ 136.2 degrees C; [HSDB] Exposure values are for "Mercury, inorganic compounds, as Hg."
Adverse Effects
Skin Sensitizer Yes
Neurotoxin Sensorimotor Neuropathy
Nephrotoxin Yes
Reproductive Toxin Yes
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Related Information in Haz-Map
Diseases Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:
Processes Industrial Processes with risk of exposure:

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Last updated: September, 2008