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Jobs @ FMS
Employment at the Financial Management Service

FMS Organization: Information Resources

Who are we?

Information Resources is one of the six major sub-divisions in FMS.


Its mission is to provide modern integrated Information Technology (IT) resources, which result in better government services to our nation and its people. IR's Enterprise infrastructure provides hardware, system software and telecommunications for FMS' production and development systems.

What do we do?

Today, the federal government relies heavily on technology to ensure efficiency and integrity in the value-added services that it provides. In Information Resources, we use state-of-the-art technology tools and methods to develop, implement, operate, maintain and support FMS' mainframe server-based and desktop systems and platforms. We design and manage telecommunications network operations and services throughout FMS. This includes FMSnet, our secure and reliable telecommunications gateway to federal financial services, federal program agencies, Federal Reserve, private sector, and commercial bank applications and data. Information Resources also provides Service-wide planning, budgeting, policy, and oversight of information management resources for FMS customers and stakeholders. Information Resources also uses internet technology to support various E-commerce business applications.

Why work for Information Resources?

Information Resources offers a wide range of work opportunities in application services, computer and network services, consulting, acquisition support, and training. Information Resources offers great challenges and rewards as our teams work toward improving IT in FMS and the government. We offer career opportunities at the entry-level and a great educational program to keep up with ever-changing technology.

What jobs are available in Information Resources?

Information Resources employs specialists from a wide variety of backgrounds with experience in government, business, and technology. Our staff consists of computer scientists, engineers, specialists, and operators; program and management analysts; and systems accountants. We offer experience in the fields of computer science, telecommunications, database administration, IT security, quality assurance, management information systems, software development, systems accounting, and contract administration.

Where is Information Resources?

Metro Center II Building
3700 East West Highway
Hyattsville, MD 20782

It is located in Hyattsville, Maryland at the suburban office of FMS headquarters on the Metro's Green Line (Prince George's Plaza Station). Additionally, on-site parking is available for employees and the offices are within a mile of the University of Maryland, College Park campus.

Where can I get further information?

E-mail: job.opportunities@fms.treas.go
Call: (202) 874-8090
Write: Financial Management Service
Human Resources Division
3700 East-West Highway
Hyattsville, MD 20782

The Financial Management Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer

   Last Updated:  Thursday September 27, 2007

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