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Humans and Machines in the Sea: Past, Present, and Future
This story entered on 5th Apr, 2004 07:00:00 AM PST

On March 19 and 20, the NURP Center at the University of Connecticut at Avery Point joined forces with the National Association of Black Scuba Divers (NABS) to conduct a conference for middle school students from the School District of Philadelphia. The conference was held at the School District's Turner Middle School and the New Jersey State Aquarium.

The conference entitled Humans and Machines in the Sea: Past, Present, and Future was designed to showcase exciting study and career options for Inner City Youth and introduce students to marine science. Students attending the conference learned about in situ undersea research including, using underwater habitats, such as NOAA's Aquarius - the world's only undersea laboratory, remotely operated vehicles, and the Henrietta Marie Slave Ship.

The NABS/NURP collaboration has been a fruitful endeavor and will continue this summer by introducing students to the marine environment of the Mid-Atlantic Bight by working with NURP's Mid-Atlantic Bight Center at Rutgers University.

Contact information
Name: Ivar G Babb
Tel: (860) 405-9121


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Updated: April 1, 2005