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The 2004 Aquarius Writing Contest is on...
This story entered on 2nd Feb, 2004 07:30:45 AM PST


I want to live for two weeks underwater in NOAA's Aquarius because...

The 2004 Aquarius writing contest is underway.

Applicants must describe in 1000 words or less about why they want to live underwater in the Aquarius for two weeks. Applicants are to demonstrate in essay format --
why they want to live for two weeks underwater in the Aquarius. As Aquarius can be used at other sites, applicants can choose a site of there choice to describe in the essay, however, they must be prepared to justify the site chosen, including an understanding of the marine biology and environmental issues that apply to the relevant ecosystem/location, the advantages/risks of saturation diving, and that the site chosen is conducive to deploying the Aquarius.

The Grand Prize is a personal tour inside the Aquarius for the winning student, the sponsoring teacher, and parent(s).

More information: Click Here

Contact information
Name: Steven Miller
Tel: (305) 451-233


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Updated: April 1, 2005