Enterprise Transition Plan

March 2008 Congressional Report

Enterprise Transition Plan

March 2008 Congressional Report

The Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP) lays out a roadmap for achieving DoD’s business transformation by implementing changes to technology, process, and governance. The ETP contains time-phased milestones, performance metrics, and a statement of resource needs for new and existing systems that are part of the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and Component architectures. The ETP also includes a termination schedule for legacy systems that will be replaced by systems in the target environment.


Transition planning takes place at the Enterprise, Component, and program levels. Transition plans at all tiers of the Business Mission Area (BMA) are aligned to the Core Business Missions of the Department. The ETP captures transition planning information (milestones, metrics, resource needs, and system migrations) as an integrated product for monitoring progress and results in a consistent framework based on setting priorities and evaluate the plans, programs, and investments to achieve those priorities.


  • At the Enterprise level, the Department has organized its activities around six Business Enterprise Priorities (BEPs) and the Enterprise systems and initiatives targeted to improve Business Capabilities across the range of personnel, logistics, real property, acquisition, purchasing and financial capabilities. BEPs represent focused efforts and investment, through which the Department can deliver clear, measurable and near-term results.
  • At the Component level, plans focus on achievement of Component priorities and the Component systems and initiatives targeted to improve capabilities. Component transition plans also indicate how Component efforts support the BEPs and associated Business Capabilities.
  • At the program level, transition plans provide details on program objectives, risks, milestones, costs, system migrations, metrics, and other planning information.


The Business Transformation Agency (BTA) publishes the ETP each September. Each year, the September ETP provides the starting point against which the Department measures progress during the fiscal year. The March Congressional Report reflects updates to the previous September ETP and provides an annual status.


Together, the ETP and BEA allow leadership to evaluate gaps and overlaps between current programs and redirect efforts to minimize redundancy and provide needed Business Capabilities. As the ETP is executed, progress is tracked and measured against specific milestones. Management discipline is applied to monitor progress and ensure maximum return on investment and measurable Business Capability improvements.



Content Derived from the 2008 March Congressional Report,
Next Update via the September 2008 Enterprise Transition Plan
Last updated: March 18, 2008