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FAQ: Business Transformation Leadership

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Who currently leads the business transformation effort under the Defense Business Transformation Agency (BTA)?

The Business Transformation Agency (BTA) is specifically responsible for successful definition and execution of Department of Defense-(DoD) wide business improvement initiatives and system investments. The Agency operates under the authority, direction and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)). Oversight for this agency is provided by the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation (DUSD(BT)), Mr. Paul A. Brinkley. Management and day-to-day direction is provided by the Director of the BTA, Mr. David M. Fisher.

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There are nine directorates within the organization structure of the BTA. Who are the Directors/leaders for each of these directorates?

The directorate leadership team includes the position of Defense Business Systems Acquisition Executive (DBSAE), which is Major General Carlos Pair. Major General Pair is the Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) for DoD Enterprise-level programs and initiatives. Directors in the remaining offices of the BTA include: Enterprise Integration, led by Mr. Prashant Gaur, Transformation Planning and Performance, led by Mr. Reggie Brown; Transformation Priorities and Requirements - Financial Management, led by Mr. William Stormer; Transformation Priorities and Requirements - Human Resources Management, led by Mr. Kenneth Carroll; Transformation Priorities and Requirements - Supply Chain Management, led by Ms. Kimberly Pisall; Investment Management, led by Mr. Paul Ketrick; Warfighter Support Office, led by Mr. Robert E. Love; and Chief of Staff, led by Ms. Susan Sweatt. Click here to access leadership bios.

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What are the roles and responsibilities of each of these offices?

Defense Business Systems Acquisition Executive (DBSAE)

The DBSAE and supporting staff are responsible for driving the successful implementation of DoD systems and initiatives in support of the Department’s Business Transformation goals. The DBSAE develops, coordinates and integrates projects, programs, systems and initiatives that support DoD Enterprise-wide business capabilities.

Enterprise Integration (EI)

EI is responsible for supporting the integration of enterprise-level business capabilities such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and how they should be implemented across complex organizational boundaries within the DoD to support the joint warfighter.

Transformation Planning and Performance (TP&P)

TP&P is responsible for maintaining and updating the DoD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and corresponding Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP). Additionally, this organization includes the Milestone Assurance Team, which monitors the performance of Enterprise-level programs and initiatives, and the Enterprise Integration Office, which collaborates with the Components to ensure that standards and systems are rapidly adopted and integrated.

Transformation Priorities and Requirements - Financial Management (TP&R - FM)

TP&R - FM is the primary link to the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense (Comptroller) and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service regarding all financial management related transformation activities. It ensures that the functional priorities and requirements of these client organizations are accurately reflected in both the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and the Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP), as well as within the guidance provided for business system investment review. This organization also provides oversight for enterprise initiatives and implementation support to Component and DBSAE managed programs.

Transformation Priorities and Requirements - Human Resources Management (TP&R - HRM)

TP&R - HRM his Directorate ensures that the strategic priorities for Defense Human Resources Management are synchronized throughout the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) the Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP), in the guidance for business system investment management and implementation of enterprise systems and services. As the primary link to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (P&R) and other DoD-level organizations, TP&R - HRM serves as the bastion for strategic HRM priorities and translates those high level requirements into client-focused results in conjunction with the DBSAE. TP&R - HRM focuses on the Personnel Visibility Business Enterprise Priority. Personnel Visibility is the fusion of accurate human resources (HR) information and secure, interoperable technology.

Transformation Priorities and Requirements - Supply Chain Management (TP&R - SCM)

TP&R - SCM his Directorate ensures that the priorities related to Material Visibility, Common Supplier Engagement, Acquisition Visibility, and Real Property Accountability are reflected in the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and the Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP), and in the guidance for business system investment management. Materiel Visibility is the ability to locate and account for materiel assets throughout their lifecycle and provide transaction visibility across logistics system in support of the joint warfighting mission. Common Supplier Engagement is the alignment and integration of the policies, processes, data, technology, and people to provide a consistent experience for suppliers and DoD stakeholders to ensure reliable and accurate delivery of acceptable goods and services to support the warfighter. Acquisition Visibility is achieving timely access to accurate, authoritative, and reliable information supporting acquisition oversight, accountability, and decision making throughout the Department, for effective and efficient delivery of warfighter capabilities. Real Property Accountability provides the warfighter and the Core Business Missions with access to near-real time secure, accurate, and reliable information on real property assets, and environment, safety, and occupational health sustainability. In addition, working with TP&R - FM and TP&R - HRM, these directorates serve as the primary link to the Principal Staff Assistants within the Office of the Secretary of Defense and other DoD-level organizations.

Investment Management (IM)

IM is responsible for supporting the execution of investment management processes established to oversee defense business systems investments across the department. This organization also leads efforts to streamline the existing process for acquisition and oversight of Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS) within the Defense Acquisition System.

Warfighter Support Office (WSO)

WSO identifies urgent Enterprise-level business issues directly impacting the warfighter, and works to resolve these issues via rapid systems capability and process improvements. This includes engaging with joint staff and Combatant Commands to identify and communicate theater requirements to the Agency. Additionally, this office will monitor theater business process and system improvement initiatives sponsored by the BTA, and will ensure their progress in accordance with BTA performance objectives.

Chief of Staff

The Chief of Staff provides the agency its personnel, pay, planning, budgeting, infrastructure and management activities. Chief of Staff focuses on speed of execution, providing consistent measurable improvement. The functions of this division include administrative services, personnel and staffing, contracting, budget, facility and space management, information technology, security and training.

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