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ACHP Publications

Section 106 Primer: Preserving America's Heritage (2008)

The Preserve America Executive Order: Report to the President (2007)

Becoming Better Stewards of Our Past: Recommendations for Enhancing Federal Management of Historic Properties (2004)

Heritage Tourism and the Federal Government:
       Summit II—Report of Proceedings

Heritage Tourism and the Federal Government:
       Summit I—Report of Proceedings

Heritage Tourism and the Federal Government:
       Northern New Mexico Perspectives

About the ACHP (2002)

Using Section 106 to Protect Historic Properties (2002)

Protecting Historic Properties: A Citizen's Guide to Section 106 Review

Federal Historic Preservation Case Law, 1966-2000 (2001)

Caring for the Past, Managing for the Future: Federal Stewardship and
        America's Historic Legacy
(full report) (2001)

Caring for the Past, Managing for the Future: Federal Stewardship and
        America's Historic Legacy
(summary report) (2000)

Report to the President and Congress, 1998-1999 (2000)

Report to the President and Congress, 1996-1997 (1998)

Alternatives for Implementing Section 106 of the National Historic
        Preservation Act: An Assessment

Report Requested by the Committees on Appropriations (1996)

Defense Department Compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act: Section 202(a)(6) Evaluation Report (1994)

Balancing Historic Preservation Needs with the Operation of
       Highly Technical or Scientific Facilities (1991)

Balancing Assessing the Energy Conservation Benefits of Historic
       Preservation: Methods and Examples

Please visit the links above for each publication's ordering information.

Updated December 11, 2008

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