Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Ideas for the Next Issue

Hurricane season is the time of year that all coastal residents prepare for the worst. For the July/August edition of Coastal Services, our staff writers would like to know how coastal resource managers prepare for and handle hurricanes, and other disasters. Please let us know your story ideas on the following topics, or give us suggestions for other articles.

  • Storm Planning and Recovery: Are there innovative ways for coastal resource managers to plan for and deal with hurricanes along our coasts? When the same area is repeatedly destroyed, is there a time to say it's just too risky to rebuild?

  • Oil Spills: What tools are coastal managers using when there's a spill off their coast? Are there planning techniques that all managers could utilize?

Are you or your agency at the forefront in dealing with any of these, or other issues? Are there problems you are facing that you would like to learn how other coastal managers are addressing? The staff at Coastal Services is committed to bringing you articles that are informative and interesting. Please give us your ideas and suggestions for future stories, as well as feedback on this issue.

Send your ideas and comments to Hanna Goss via e-mail at, or mail to 2234 South Hobson Avenue, Charleston, SC 29405-2413. You also may contact her by phone at (843) 740-1332, or fax at (843) 740-1313.

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